Welcome to this collection of old questions meant to help you prepare for your forthcoming Curriculum exams. This article is a thorough resource that includes a diverse set of questions from past exams in your subject of study.

Working through these questions will provide you significant insight into the types of questions that may occur on your exam and help you improve your problem-solving abilities.

1. The component of the curriculum serves as the basis for determining its success or failure……………
A. Purpose
B. Content
C. Learners experience
D. Evaluation
2. An objective stated is considered to be precise when it…………
A. Has fewer words
B. Identifies ones learning outcomes
C. Cannot be interpreted differently
D. Can be achieved differently
3. Which of these agents of education empowers the other……….
A. Family
B. School
C. Media
D. Church
4. Content selected for the various courses in the curriculum are considered valid only when they enable the learners demonstrate stated objectives.
True / False
           ANSWER:  True
5. Education is schooling and schooling is education.
True  /         False
                   ANSWER:  False
6. The learnability of content selected for a particular subject does not depend on the availability of resourced needed for teaching.
True  / False
ANSWER:  False
7. Experiences and activities which learners are exposed to which are not documented but takes place during school hours varies from school to school.
True  / false
                   ANSWER:  True
8. The sequential arrangement of content is influenced by a country’s educational philosophy.
True / False
                   ANSWER:  True
9. Learners learn better when teachers are involved in the selection of educational experiences.
True  / False
                   ANSWER:  True
10. Continuity as a technique for organising allows………
A. Concepts to be repeated with increased difficulty
B. Aspects of various disciplines to be fused into a composite whole
C. Concepts to be reiterated without increase in difficulty
D. A subject to be repeated across a number of subjects
11. According to existentialists, learners’ role in the teaching and learning situation is to ……..
A. Experience knowledge
B. Create knowledge
C. Receive knowledge
D. Select knowledge
                   ANSWER:  C
12. What the culture of the school teaches learners may be considered part of the …………………curriculum
A. Actual
B. Formal
C. Hidden
          D. Informal
                             ANSWER:  C
13. What teachers teach and learners learn as a result of the prevailing conditions form part of the …………..curriculum
A. Actual
B. Co-curriculum
C. Formal
D. official
                   ANSWER:  A
14. All these are purposes for evaluating an instructional programme except…..
A. diagnosing the programme
B. revising aspects of the programme
C. Changing the programme
D. comparing programmes
                   ANSWER:  C
15. Which of these is the most appropriate description of the curriculum…………..
A. a planned programme of activities a school exposes learners to
B. planned series of activities stated in the syllabus
C. subjects learners learn in school
D. All that students experience in order to be useful citizens
                             ANSWER:  D
16. Psychology of learning influences curriculum design by facilitating………….
A. Determination of educational aims
B. Funding education
C. Hiring of personnel
D. Sequential arrangement of content
17. Which of the components of the curriculum provides evidence for curriculum reviews
A. Evaluation
B. Learning experiences
C. Purposes
D. Subject matter
                   ANSWER:  A
18. Within which category definitions will you place this………. “Curriculum is all that students go through in order to become useful citizens”.
A. Broad
B. Wide
C. Narrow
D. Mid-way
                   ANSWER:  D
19. Purposes for the curriculum can be derived from all these except…..
A. Learners
B. Teachers
C. Society
D. Parents
                   ANSWER:  D
20. In curriculum construction, purposes stated for subjects are called ……
A. Ultimate goals
B. Mediate goals
C. Proximate goals
D. Specific objectives
                   ANSWER:  C
21. In selecting learning experiences for his students, Mr. Eshun ensured that what he selected would help learners demonstrate expected outcomes. What criterion influenced his choice?
A. Validity
B. Significance
C. Feasibility
D. Functionality
                   ANSWER:  A
22. Which of the following is the most appropriate tool for collecting qualitative data when conducting an evaluation?
A. Interview guide
B. Close-ended questionnaires
C. Tests
D. Projects
                   ANSWER:  A
23. The process of conducting preliminary assessment in the environment within which the curriculum will be is considered as ………..
A. Needs evaluation
B. Situational analysis
C. Needs anticipation
D. Context examination
                   ANSWER:  B
24. Which of these determinants of a curriculum should a society consider if she wants to use the curriculum to achieve social and political stability…
A. Cross-cultural factors
B. Teachers
C. Societal considerations
D. Existing curriculum
                   ANSWER:  B
25. All the following are strengths of a discipline centred curriculum except…..
A. Promotes in-depth study and acquisition of knowledge
B. Ensures preservation of society’s culture
C. Allows easy structural arrangements
D. Encourages independent thinking.
                   ANSWER:  D
26. Learning experiences selected for learners are considered comprehensive when…..
A. All objectives and domains have corresponding experiences
B. Equal emphasis is placed on all aspects of the curriculum
C. Learners participate in the selection process
                   ANSWER:  A
27. A good school curriculum should be able to facilitate the development of all aspects of the learners except…………
A. Mental capacity
B. Value system
C. Local environment
D. Manipulative skills
                   ANSWER:  C
28. Which of these factors will promote the preservation of the values of society when developing the curriculum
A. Culture of the people
B. Number of subject options available
C. Resources available
D. Evaluation system
                   ANSWER:  A
29. A syllabus plays all the following significant roles except ……
A. Breaking related topics in a subject area into teachable units
B. Translating the philosophy of the curriculum
C. Making the aims of the curriculum available
D. Prescribing policies that make the curriculum achievable
                   ANSWER:  D
30. The content of a subject which is authentic and also facilitates the achievement of stated objectives is considered to be …………..
A. Valid
B. Reliable
C. Appropriate
D. Functional
                   ANSWER:  A
31. In curriculum construction proximate goals are stated for…….
A. The nation
B. An institution
C. A subject
D. A lesson
                   ANSWER:  C
32. Which of these will you consider as one of the roles of educational philosophy in the construction of the curriculum?
A. Defining the contribution of parents to education
B. Explaining the role of educational policy makers
C. Determining budgetary allocation for education
D. Determining the role of the teacher
                   ANSWER:  D
33. What teachers are expected to teach and learners are expected to learn form part of the ………….curriculum
A. Adopted
B. Taught
C. Covert
D. Received
                   ANSWER:  B
34. Which of the following best explains the precise statement of objectives for an instructional process………..
A. Statement must be short
B. Must contain one learning outcome
C. Must be interpreted similarly by different people
D. Must be simple worded and straight-forward
                   ANSWER:  B
35. The content of a subject may entail the following except…..
A. Materials
B. Principles
C. Concepts
D. Theories
                   ANSWER:  A
36. The pattern of curriculum construction that seeks to preserve the cultural heritage of the people is called………….. curriculum
A. Discipline centred
B. Activity centred
C. Core
D. Integrated
                   ANSWER:  A
37. When the demonstration of the outcome of stated objectives is personally and socially beneficial, the objectives may be described as………….
A. Significant
B. Appropriate
ER:  D
38. What society values and cherishes and may want to pass on to future generation constitutes part of the……..
A. Goals
B. Subject matter
C. Educational experiences
D. Instructional objectives
                   ANSWER:  B
39. Educational bodies influence curriculum construction by…….
A. Recommending students for curriculum planning committees
B. Providing reports on student performances
C. Testing students on curriculum materials
D. Determining the success and failure of curriculum materials
                   ANSWER:  B
40. Which of the following is not one of the foundations that shape the formulation of curriculum………
A. Historical considerations
B. Philosophical considerations
C. Legal foundations
D. Psychological foundations
                   ANSWER:  C
41. Learners may acquire one of the following values from examinations conducted.
A. Tolerating others opinion
B. Cooperating with others
C. Showing respect
D. Being independent minded
                   ANSWER:  D
42. The process of conducting preliminary assessment in the environment within which an instructional programme will be implemented is called
A. Community research
B. Community diagnosals
C. Situational analysis
                   ANSWER:  C
43. Which of the curriculum development models has a built- in mechanism that ensures that information gathered from evaluation serve as a feedback into the system…..
A. Ralph Tyler’s model
B. Daryl Kenneth Wheeler’s model
C. Hilda Taba’s mode
D. Kerr’s model
                   ANSWER:  A
44. All these are strengths’ of an integrated curriculum except
A. It eliminates the repetition of concepts
B. It is easier to organise the curriculum in this manner
C. It promotes the maintenance of society’s cultural heritage
D. It reinforces learner’s understanding of concepts
                   ANSWER:  B
45. Objective stated for an instructional process that are of value than other alternatives be described as………….
A. Significant
B. Functional
C. Relevant
D. Appropriate
                             ANSWER:  A
46. In selecting contents for his students MR. Kyei considered all the resources available…… what criterion influenced his choice of content?
A. Significance
B. Validity
C. Utility
D. Feasibility
                             ANSWER:  D
47. A society may be considered as developed if it has all these conditions in place except…………
A. Substance
B. Safety
C. Sufficiency
D. Satisfaction
                             ANSWER:  A
48. One of the following is not from Tyler’s 1949 fundamental questions proposed for curriculum development
A. Purposes
B. Content
C. Learning experiences
D. Evaluation
                   ANSWER:  B
49. An educational programme is said to be clientele oriented because….
A. It is designed for clients with various orientations
B. It is good for a particular group of people
C. It is designed for a client
50. Who explained education as the process of human learning through which an individual acquires breadth of knowledge, understanding and critical thinking?
A. Farrant(1980)
B. Barrow1981)
C. Aggarwal(1995)
D. Castle(1965)
                   ANSWER:  B
51. Which of the following categories of curriculum definition would be most difficult to evaluate?
          A. Broad definitions
          B. Midway definitions
          C. Narrow definitions
          D. Plan or Means definitions
                             ANSWER:  A
52. In Henson’s three levels of categorizing curriculum definitions, he used courses synonymously with ………
         A. Content
         B. Experiences.
         C. Process
         D. Ends
                             ANSWER:  A
53. One major demerit of perceiving the curriculum in a narrow sense is that ……..
        A.  allows curriculum to be thought of in a concrete and definite way
       B. Is flexible
       C. makes teachers teach along the pattern of examination questions.
       D. Would make the curriculum simple to access.
                             ANSWER:  C
54. In Henson’s three levels of categorizing curriculum definitions; one of the following groups has similar definitions under them all.
        A. Means, Content and Process
        B. Means, Experience and Plan
        C. Plan, Content, Experiences
        D. Process, Experiences and Ends
                             ANSWER:  D
55. Education describes the total process of human learning by which knowledge is imparted, faculties trained and skills developed. One criticism of the definition is that it …………..
       A. appears to include mis-education
         B. Is too wordy or verbose
         C. does not specify the trait imparted
         D. Sees education as a process
                             ANSWER:  B
56. Informal education is said to occur everywhere. One of the following is also making formal education almost possess characteristic too.
         A. It being a school-based phenomenon
         B. It’s convergent definition
         C. Technology
         D. The issuance of Certificates
                             ANSWER:  C
57. Which of the following has the largest number of Students
        A. Informal Education
        B. Formal Education
        C. Non-Formal Education
        D. Broad Education
                             ANSWER:  A
58. All the following are ways by which Henson (2015) categorized the definition of curriculum except…
        A. Content versus Experience definition
        B. Means versus End definition
        C. Process verses Plan definition
        D. Programme verses product definitions
                             ANSWER:  D
59. Given that final year students of UEW are being taught table manners, the study of table manners can be best described as ………
        A. Novel
        B. Co-curricula
        C. Extra- curricula
        D. Support curriculum
                             ANSWER:  B
60. The implementation of double-track system in second-cycle schools has occasioned some changes to schools’ timetables and academic calendars. This happening is an example of …..( Select one:
     A. Government policy determining the Curriculum
     B. Societal considerations determining the curriculum
     C. Learners determining the curriculum
      D. Teachers determining the curriculum
                             ANSWER:  A
61. The Chief and people of Anansekrom are worried about graduates from Aansekrom SHS. The citizens complain that almost all boys from Anansekrom walk in a particular manner. Which curriculum terminology appropriately describes how Anansekrom students acquired this behavior? Select one
       A. Through the absent curriculum
       B. Through the co-curriculum
       C. Through the hidden curriculum
       D. Through the official curriculum
                             ANSWER:  C
62. All the following types of education utilizes curriculum except, Select one:
        A. Semi-formal education
        B. Non formal education
        C. Formal education
        D. Informal education
                             ANSWER:  D
63. Which of the following types of education does not make use of examination? Select one;
         A. Informal education
         B. Non-formal education
         C. Formal education
          D. Pre-formal education
                             ANSWER:  A
64. A group of traders at the Kotokuraba market organized themselves and invited teacher Apietus to teach them Cost Accounting every weekend. What type of education is this? Select one;
          A. Non-formal education
          B. Informal education
          C. Pre-formal education
          D. Formal education
                             ANSWER:  A
65. One of the following categorisations of curriculum definitions by Henson (2015) concentrates on the subject matter. Select one;
        A. Process
        B. Plan
        C. Courses
        D. Ends
                             ANSWER:  C
66. All the following are definitions of curriculum reflecting Means as used by Henson (2015), except ……….. Select one.
        A. Experiences children have under a teacher.
        B. A course of learning in a school
        C. Experience set up by the school
        D. Planned activities for instruction
                             ANSWER:  B
67. A lot of students love Instagram because they learn about fashion trends. Through celebrities posting pictures, they learn about new colour combinations, dress styles and new fashion statements, what type of education is being provided in this instances? Select one:
        A. Formal education
        B. Non-formal education
        C. Semi-formal education
        D. Informal education
                             ANSWER:  D
68. Curriculum is the collection of specified knowledge, skills, attitude, values from the disciplines. This definition best suits which categorization of curriculum definitions by Henson (2015)? Select one.
        A. Ends definitions
        B. Experiences definitions
        C. Plan definitions
        D. Content definitions
                             ANSWER:  A
69. In the security services there is a mantra “do before complain”. If a teacher uses this mantra in the classroom, the service he will be providing cannot count as education (going by RS Peter’s criteria) because. select one;
       A. What is transmitted is not worthwhile
       B. Knowledge transmission is involved but there is not understanding
       C. Learners will not commit to what is taught
       D. Learner do not willingly submit to learning
                             ANSWER:  D
70. In Henson’s (2015) three levels of categorizing curriculum definitions, he used courses synonymously with……………..
         A. Process
         B. Experience
         C. Content.
         D. Ends.
                             ANSWER:  B
72. Mr. Mensah, a curriculum expert has been invited to suggest ways of dealing with social problems in Anansekrom. He has so far reviewed the subjects that the students learn at Anansekrom SHS but he has found no fault from there. Which curriculum terminology appropriately describes the subjects studied in Anansekrom SHS?  Select one.
          A. Co-curriculum
          B. Absent curriculum
          C. Hidden curriculum
          D. Official curriculum
                             ANSWER:  C
73. Which of the following types of education does not make use of examinations?
         A. Formal education
         B. Non-formal education
         C. Pre-formal education
         D. Informal education
                             ANSWER:  D
74. The implementation of double-track system in second-cycle schools has occasioned some changes to schools’ timetables and academic calendars. This happening is an example of ……… {    Select one;
        A. Government policy determining the curriculum
        B. Societal consideration determining the curriculum
        C. Teachers determining the curriculum
        D. Learners determining the curriculum
                                      ANSWER:  A
75. One of the following categorisations of curriculum definitions by Henson (2015) concentrates on the subject matter.
       A. Plan
       B. Ends
       C. Process
       D. Courses
                                      ANSWER:  D
76. “Curriculum is the experiences children have under the teacher in a school” This definition reflects all the following categories of curriculum definition, except………….
          A. Process definitions.
          B. Ends definitions
          C. Midway definitions
          D. Broad definitions.
                                      ANSWER:  D
77.  Education involves the transmission of what is worthwhile from one generation to another. What is worthwhile as used here includes all the following EXCEPT. Select one.
          A. Knowledge
          B. Co-education
          C. Values
          D. Skills
                             ANSWER:  B
78. All the following types of education utilizes curriculum except. Select one
          A. Semi-formal education
          B. Informal education
          C. Non-formal education
                             ANSWER:  B
79. Curriculum is the ‘permanent’ subjects that embody essential knowledge. In Tamakloe’s typolopy, what type of definition does this fit?
          A. Midway
          B. Broad
          C. Semi-Broad
         D. Narrow
                             ANSWER:  D
80. Which of the below curriculum terminology best represents the unintentionally acquired skills and attitudes emanating from the administrative setup of educational institution?  Select one:
         A. Official curriculum
         B. Null curriculum
         C. Actual curriculum
         D. Hidden curriculum
                             ANSWER:  A
81. If it was in the actual curriculum, then it is in the received curriculum. Select one.
          A. False
          B. True
                             ANSWER:  True
82. The National council for curriculum and Assessment has incorporate related to Greenhouse economy and energy efficiency in the Standard-based curriculum. This shows that the new curriculum is …..
         A. Complex
         B. Broad
         C. The result of long-term efforts
         D. Holistic
         E. Continuously evolving
                             ANSWER:  E
83. All the following are definitions of curriculum reflecting Means as used by Henson (2015), except…… select one
        A. A course of learning in a school
        B. Experience set up by the school
        C. Planned activities for instruction
        D. Experiences Children have under a teacher
                             ANSWER:  D
84. The implementation of double track system in second cycle schools has occasioned some changes to schools’ timetables and academic calendars. This happening is an example of …………
          A. Teachers determining the curriculum
           B. Learners determining the curriculum
           C. Government policy determining the curriculum
           D. Societal considerations determining the curriculum
                             ANSWER:  C
85. There are knowledge gaps in the content. These gaps constitutes
           A. Absent curriculum
           B. Extra curriculum
           C. Covert curriculum
           D. Overt curriculum
                             ANSWER:  A
86. All the following are other names of official curriculum except……………
          A. Covert curriculum
          B. Explicit
          C. Intended
          D. Recommended
                             ANSWER:  A
87. International best practice is to have curriculum reviewed every five years. Which feature of curriculum is demonstrated by this standard?
           A. It is designed for a particular group of people
           B. It is an institutional phenomenon
            C. It continuously evolves
           D. It is supported by society
                             ANSWER:  C
88. What type of education is provided when teachers attend workshop and seminars?
           A. Formal education
           B. Non-formal education
           C. Pre-formal education
           D. Informal education
                             ANSWER:  B
89. What the learner has experienced and can exhibit is the ………………
           A. Learned curriculum
           B. Assessed curriculum
           C. Actual curriculum
            D. Co- curriculum
                             ANSWER:  C
90. In Henson’s (2015) three levels of categorizing curriculum definitions. He used courses synonymously with ……………
       A. Process
       B. Content
       C. Experience
       D. Ends
                             ANSWER:  B
91. A circuit supervisor finds a teacher teaching content meant for Basic six in a JHS two class. In curriculum typology what the supervisor witnessed is …………..
          A. Hidden Curriculum
          B. Formal Curriculum
          C. Unwritten Curriculum
          D. Actual Curriculum
                             ANSWER:  D
92. A common characteristic of non-formal education is that it is ………..
          A. rigidly structured
          B. Informed by the philosophy of the society
          C. Organized for everyone in a given society
          D. Organized for a homogeneous group
                             ANSWER:  D
93. The more inadequate resources are in the school, the less the difference between the intended curriculum and the curriculum in-use.
          A. False
          B. True
                             ANSWER:  False
94. Whenever Mr. Nti gets to the class and it is dirty. He asks all the female students in the class to sweep. The male students, therefore grew up to appreciate that sweeping is a female enterprise. What type of curriculum occasioned this form of learning?
           A. Hidden Curriculum
           B. Official Curriculum
           C. Informal Curriculum
           D. Actual Curriculum
                             ANSWER:  A
95. The part of the official curriculum that the teacher teaches is absolutely the actual curriculum.
              A. False
              B. True
                             ANSWER:  True
96. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the hidden curriculum?
          A. It takes place both inside and outside the classroom
           B. Learning is teacher-centered and not student-centered
           C. Learning is done unconsciously
           D. Learning includes a positive message
            E. Learning includes negative message
                             ANSWER:  B
97. Henson (2015) categorized definitions of the curriculum into three………..
            A. Meaningless categorizations
            B. Abstract groups
            C. Perfect categories
            D. Thematic groups
                             ANSWER:  D
98. One major demerit of perceiving the curriculum in a narrow sense is that it ……….
            A. Allow curriculum to be thought of in a concrete and definite way.
            B. Would make the curriculum simple to assess.
            C. Makes teachers teach along the pattern of examination questions.
            D. Is flexible.
                             ANSWER:  C
99. Mrs. Opoku taught her students about the three main religions in Ghana. She never allowed the students to learn about the other minor religions in Ghana. What type of curriculum has been portrayed in this scenario?
          A. Hidden Curriculum
          B. Informal Curriculum
          C. Taught Curriculum
           D. Absent Curriculum
           E. Non-formal Curriculum
                             ANSWER:  D
100. All the following curricula refer to the same thing, except ………….
           A. Curriculum in-use
           B. Operational Curriculum
            C. Thought Curriculum
            D. Actual Curriculum
                             ANSWER:  D
101. In most all boys schools in Ghana, first year students often shave their hair like that of the final years. This behavior of the first years typifies ………. Select one.
           A. Formal Curriculum
           B. Official Curriculum
           C. Experience curriculum
           D. Co-curriculum
           E. Hidden curriculum
                             ANSWER:  E
102. The National Council for curriculum and Assessment has incorporated topics related to Greenhouse economy and energy efficiency in the standard-based Curriculum. This shows that new curriculum is…. Select one.
            A. The result of long-term efforts
            B. Holistic
            C. Broad
            D. Continuously evolving
            E. Complex
                             ANSWER:  D
103. All the following are ways by which Henson (2015) categorized the definitions of curriculum, except .. Select One.
            A. Means versus End definition
            B. Programme verses product definitions
            C. Content versus Experience definitions
           D. Process versus Plan definitions
                             ANSWER:  B
104. All the lessons one goes through in life before death is classified as ……… select one.
            A. Pre-formal education
            B. informal education
            C. non-formal education
            D. Formal education
                             ANSWER:  B
105. Which one of the following is not a feature of the official curriculum? It…………select one.
           A. entails what is to be taught and learnt
           B. planned and structured
           C. has deliberately unwritten content
           D. is public
                             ANSWER:  D
106. When the official curriculum is inversely implemented continuously, then the …. Select one.
            A. actual curriculum and the official curriculum align
            B. Support curriculum is adequate and effective
            C. explicit curriculum is the received curriculum shrinks
            D. null curriculum diminishes
                             ANSWER:  A
107. According to Caswell and Campbell (1935), curriculum is composed of all the experiences children have under the guidance of the teacher, This description of the curriculum is … Select one.
            A. Subway
            B. Midway
            C. Narrow
            D. Broad
                             ANSWER:  B
108. One of the following is less likely to make the intended curriculum to be implemented differently. Select one.
           A. The presence of a seasoned professional teacher
           B. Loss of contact hours
           C. Irrelevant previous knowledge of learners
            D. Inadequate resources
                             ANSWER:  B
109. In the security service there is a mantra; “do before complain”. If a teacher uses this mantra in the classroom, the service he will be providing cannot count as education (going by RS Peters’ criteria) because. Select one.
           A. Knowledge transmission is involved but there is no understanding
           B. Learners do not willingly submit to learning
           C. Learners will not commit to what is taught
           D. What is transmitted is not worthwhile
                             ANSWER:  B
110. International best practice is to have curriculum reviewed every five years. Which feature of curriculum is demonstrated by this standard? Select one.
       A. it is an institutional phenomenon
       B. It is supported by society
       C. It is designed for a particular group of people
       D. It continuously evolves
                             ANSWER:  D
111. Which of these types of curriculum usually targets the emotional domain of learning? Select one.
        A. Curriculum in use
        B. Support curriculum
        C. Co-curriculum
        D. Official Curriculum
                             ANSWER:  C
112. According to Ragan (1960), “curriculum is all experiences of the child for which the school accepts responsibility”, how can we classify this definition using Tamakloes categorisations? Select one.
          A. Narrow
          B. Midway
          C. Subway
          D. Broad
                             ANSWER:  B
113. The official curriculum of a particular level of education in a country includes all the following except the ;….. Select one.
          A. Syllabi for that level of education
          B. Public holidays on the National Calendar of the country
          C. Philosophies of education of that level of education
          D. Educational aims of the level of education
                             ANSWER:  B
114. Which of the following is in accordance with Henson’s (2015) three levels of categorizing curriculum definitions? Select one.
          A. Plan versus Courses
          B. Ends Versus Process
          C. Experiences versus Content
           D. Experiences versus Means
                             ANSWER:  C
115. In the classroom context, learning that is occasioned by the interaction between teachers and students, and among students is known as select one…………
         A. Experienced curriculum
         B. Official Curriculum
         C. Operational Curriculum
         D. Co-curriculum
                             ANSWER:  D
116. The part of the official curriculum that the teacher teaches is absolutely the actual curriculum, Select one.
         A. True
         B. False
                             ANSWER:  True
117. All the following curricula refers to the same thing, except ……. Select one.
       A. Operational curriculum
        B. actual curriculum
        C. Curriculum in-use
        D. thought curriculum
                             ANSWER:  B
118. In curriculum terminology, teacher’s use of recommended textbooks to support teaching and learning is known as Select one.
          A. Official curriculum
          B. Null curriculum
          C. Hidden Curriculum
          D. Informal curriculum
                             ANSWER:  A
119. One of the following type of education utilizes age classifications. Select One
          A. Non-formal education
          B. Semi-formal education
          C. Formal education
          D. Informal education
                             ANSWER:  C
120. What the learner has experienced and can exhibit is the ……………….. Select one.
          A. Assessed curriculum
          B. Co-curriculum
          C. Actual curriculum
          D. Learned curriculum
                             ANSWER:  C
121. The standards-based curriculum is an example of Select one.
          A. Co-curriculum
          B. Actual curriculum
          C. Official curriculum
          D. Hidden curriculum
                             ANSWER:  C
122. Which of the following is in accordance with Henson’s (2015) three levels of categorizing curriculum definitions? Select one
        A. Experience versus Content
        B. Plan versus Courses
         C. Experiences versus Means
        D. Ends versus Process
                                      ANSWER:  A
123. In curriculum development process, the exclusion of certain content areas such as knowledge, skills and values can be referred to as, select one
           A. Hidden Curriculum
           B. Overt Curriculum
           C. Core Curriculum
           D. Null Curriculum
                                      ANSWER:  D
124. All the following are definitions of curriculum reflecting Means as used by Henson (2015), except ….. Select one;
           A. Experiences children have under a teacher
           B. A courses of learning in a school
           C. Planned activities for instruction
           D. Experiences set up by the school
                                      ANSWER:  B
125. “Curriculum is the experiences children have under the teacher in a school” This definition reflects all the following categories of curriculum definition, except the ….. select one.
         A. Midway definitions
         B. Broad definitions
         C. Process definitions
         D. Ends definitions
                                      ANSWER:  D
126. Which of the following has the largest number of beneficiaries? Select one.
           A. Non-formal education
           B. Semi-formal education
           C. Formal education
           D. Informal education
                                       ANSWER:  D
127. Curriculum is such ‘permanent’ subjects as grammar, reading, logic, rhetoric, mathematics, and the greatest books of the Western world that best embody essential knowledge. In Tamakloe’s typology, what type of definition does this fit? Select one.
            A. Semi-Broad
            B. Midway
            C. Broad
            D. Narrow
                                      ANSWER:  D
128.Which of the below curriculum terminology best represents the unintentionally acquired skills and attitudes emanating from the administrative setup of the university of Education, Winneba? Select One.
           A. Hidden curriculum
           B. Null curriculum
           C. Actual curriculum
           D. Official Curriculum
                                      ANSWER:  A
129. Education involves the transmission of what is worthwhile from one generation to another. What is worthwhile as used here includes all the following EXCEPT select one.
         A. Knowledge
         B. Skills
         C. Co-education
         D. Value
                                      ANSWER:  C
130. This type of education does not lead to a formal certification it is purposely organized to serve the need of an identified group. This definition best describes which of the following types of education? Select one.
         A. Semi-Formal Education
         B. Formal Education
         C. Informal Education
          D. Non-Formal Education
                             ANSWER:  D


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1. The component of the curriculum serves as the basis for determining its success or failure…………… 

A. Purpose 

B. Content 

C. Learners experience 

D. Evaluation 



2. An objective stated is considered to be precise when it………… 

A. Has fewer words 

B. Identifies ones learning outcomes 

C. Cannot be interpreted differently 

D. Can be achieved differently 


          ANSWER:  C


3. Which of these agents of education empowers the other………. 

A. Family 

B. School 

C. Media 

D. Church 


                   ANSWER:  B


4. Content selected for the various courses in the curriculum are considered valid only when they enable the learners demonstrate stated objectives. 

True            /   False       


                   ANSWER:  True 

5. Education is schooling and schooling is education. 

True  /         False


                   ANSWER:  False


6. The learnability of content selected for a particular subject does not depend on the availability of resourced needed for teaching. 

True  / False 

ANSWER:  False

7. Experiences and activities which learners are exposed to which are not documented but takes place during school hours varies from school to school. 

True  / false 

                   ANSWER:  True

8. The sequential arrangement of content is influenced by a country’s educational philosophy. 

True / False 

                   ANSWER:  True

9. Learners learn better when teachers are involved in the selection of educational experiences. 

True  / False 

                   ANSWER:  True

10. Continuity as a technique for organising allows……… 

A. Concepts to be repeated with increased difficulty 

B. Aspects of various disciplines to be fused into a composite whole 

C. Concepts to be reiterated without increase in difficulty 

D. A subject to be repeated across a number of subjects 


11. According to existentialists, learners’ role in the teaching and learning situation is to …….. 

A. Experience knowledge

B. Create knowledge 

C. Receive knowledge 

D. Select knowledge 

                   ANSWER:  C

12. What the culture of the school teaches learners may be considered part of the …………………curriculum 

A. Actual 

B. Formal 

C. Hidden

          D. Informal 

                             ANSWER:  C

13. What teachers teach and learners learn as a result of the prevailing conditions form part of the …………..curriculum 

A. Actual 

B. Co-curriculum 

C. Formal 

D. official 

                   ANSWER:  A

14. All these are purposes for evaluating an instructional programme except….. 

A. diagnosing the programme 

B. revising aspects of the programme 

C. Changing the programme 

D. comparing programmes

                   ANSWER:  C

15. Which of these is the most appropriate description of the curriculum………….. 

A. a planned programme of activities a school exposes learners to 

B. planned series of activities stated in the syllabus 

C. subjects learners learn in school 

D. All that students experience in order to be useful citizens 

                             ANSWER:  D

16. Psychology of learning influences curriculum design by facilitating…………. 

A. Determination of educational aims 

B. Funding education 

C. Hiring of personnel 

D. Sequential arrangement of content 


17. Which of the components of the curriculum provides evidence for curriculum reviews 

A. Evaluation 

B. Learning experiences

C. Purposes 

D. Subject matter 

                   ANSWER:  A

18. Within which category definitions will you place this………. “Curriculum is all that students go through in order to become useful citizens”. 

A. Broad 

B. Wide 

C. Narrow 

D. Mid-way 

                   ANSWER:  D

19. Purposes for the curriculum can be derived from all these except….. 

A. Learners 

B. Teachers 

C. Society 

D. Parents 

                   ANSWER:  D

20. In curriculum construction, purposes stated for subjects are called …… 

A. Ultimate goals 

B. Mediate goals 

C. Proximate goals 

D. Specific objectives 

                   ANSWER:  C

21. In selecting learning experiences for his students, Mr. Eshun ensured that what he selected would help learners demonstrate expected outcomes. What criterion influenced his choice? 

A. Validity 

B. Significance 

C. Feasibility 

D. Functionality 

                   ANSWER:  A

22. Which of the following is the most appropriate tool for collecting qualitative data when conducting an evaluation? 

A. Interview guide 

B. Close-ended questionnaires 

C. Tests 

D. Projects 

                   ANSWER:  A

23. The process of conducting preliminary assessment in the environment within which the curriculum will be is considered as ……….. 

A. Needs evaluation 

B. Situational analysis

C. Needs anticipation 

D. Context examination 

                   ANSWER:  B

24. Which of these determinants of a curriculum should a society consider if she wants to use the curriculum to achieve social and political stability… 

A. Cross-cultural factors 

B. Teachers 

C. Societal considerations 

D. Existing curriculum     

                   ANSWER:  B

25. All the following are strengths of a discipline centred curriculum except….. 

A. Promotes in-depth study and acquisition of knowledge 

B. Ensures preservation of society’s culture 

C. Allows easy structural arrangements 

D. Encourages independent thinking. 

                   ANSWER:  D

26. Learning experiences selected for learners are considered comprehensive when….. 

A. All objectives and domains have corresponding experiences 

B. Equal emphasis is placed on all aspects of the curriculum 

C. Learners participate in the selection process 

                   ANSWER:  A

27. A good school curriculum should be able to facilitate the development of all aspects of the learners except………… 

A. Mental capacity 

B. Value system 

C. Local environment 

D. Manipulative skills 

                   ANSWER:  C

28. Which of these factors will promote the preservation of the values of a society when developing the curriculum 

A. Culture of the people 

B. Number of subject options available 

C. Resources available 

D. Evaluation system 

                   ANSWER:  A

29. A syllabus plays all the following significant roles except …… 

A. Breaking related topics in a subject area into teachable units 

B. Translating the philosophy of the curriculum 

C. Making the aims of the curriculum available 

D. Prescribing policies that make the curriculum achievable 

                   ANSWER:  D

30. The content of a subject which is authentic and also facilitates the achievement of stated objectives is considered to be ………….. 

A. Valid 

B. Reliable 

C. Appropriate 

D. Functional 

                   ANSWER:  A

31. In curriculum construction proximate goals are stated for……. 

A. The nation 

B. An institution 

C. A subject 

D. A lesson 

                   ANSWER:  C

32. Which of these will you consider as one of the roles of educational philosophy in the construction of the curriculum? 

A. Defining the contribution of parents to education 

B. Explaining the role of educational policy makers 

C. Determining budgetary allocation for education 

D. Determining the role of the teacher 

                   ANSWER:  D

33. What teachers are expected to teach and learners are expected to learn form part of the ………….curriculum 

A. Adopted 

B. Taught 

C. Covert 

D. Received 

                   ANSWER:  B

34. Which of the following best explains the precise statement of objectives for an instructional process……….. 

A. Statement must be short 

B. Must contain one learning outcome 

C. Must be interpreted similarly by different people 

D. Must be simple worded and straight-forward 

                   ANSWER:  B

35. The content of a subject may entail the following except….. 

A. Materials 

B. Principles 

C. Concepts 

D. Theories 

                   ANSWER:  A

36. The pattern of curriculum construction that seeks to preserve the cultural heritage of the people is called………….. curriculum 

A. Discipline centred 

B. Activity centred 

C. Core 

D. Integrated 

                   ANSWER:  A

37. When the demonstration of the outcome of stated objectives is personally and socially beneficial, the objectives may be described as…………. 

A. Significant 

B. Appropriate 

C. Feasible 

D. Functional 

                   ANSWER:  D

38. What society values and cherishes and may want to pass on to future generation constitutes part of the…….. 

A. Goals 

B. Subject matter 

C. Educational experiences 

D. Instructional objectives 

                   ANSWER:  B

39. Educational bodies influence curriculum construction by……. 

A. Recommending students for curriculum planning committees 

B. Providing reports on student performances 

C. Testing students on curriculum materials 

D. Determining the success and failure of curriculum materials 

                   ANSWER:  B

40. Which of the following is not one of the foundations that shape the formulation of curriculum……… 

A. Historical considerations 

B. Philosophical considerations 

C. Legal foundations 

D. Psychological foundations 

                   ANSWER:  C

41. Learners may acquire one of the following values from examinations conducted. 

A. Tolerating others opinion 

B. Cooperating with others 

C. Showing respect 

D. Being independent minded 

                   ANSWER:  D

42. The process of conducting preliminary assessment in the environment within which an instructional programme will be implemented is called 

A. Community research 

B. Community diagnosals

C. Situational analysis

                   ANSWER:  C

43. Which of the curriculum development models has a built- in mechanism that ensures that information gathered from evaluation serve as a feedback into the system….. 

A. Ralph Tyler’s model 

B. Daryl Kenneth Wheeler’s model 

C. Hilda Taba’s mode 

D. Kerr’s model 

                   ANSWER:  A

44. All these are strengths’ of an integrated curriculum except 

A. It eliminates the repetition of concepts 

B. It is easier to organise the curriculum in this manner 

C. It promotes the maintenance of society’s cultural heritage 

D. It reinforces learner’s understanding of concepts 

                   ANSWER:  B

45. Objective stated for an instructional process that are of value than other alternatives be described as…………. 

A. Significant 

B. Functional 

C. Relevant 

D. Appropriate 

                             ANSWER:  A

46. In selecting contents for his students MR. Kyei considered all the resources available…… what criterion influenced his choice of content? 

A. Significance 

B. Validity 

C. Utility 

D. Feasibility 

                             ANSWER:  D

47. A society may be considered as developed if it has all these conditions in place except………… 

A. Substance 

B. Safety 

C. Sufficiency 

D. Satisfaction

                             ANSWER:  A

48. One of the following is not from Tyler’s 1949 fundamental questions proposed for curriculum development 

A. Purposes 

B. Content 

C. Learning experiences

D. Evaluation 

                   ANSWER:  B

49. An educational programme is said to be clientele oriented because…. 

A. It is designed for clients with various orientations 

B. It is good for a particular group of people 

C. It is designed for a client 

D. It can be used by other clients 

                   ANSWER:  B

50. Who explained education as the process of human learning through which an individual acquires breadth of knowledge, understanding and critical thinking? 

A. Farrant(1980) 

B. Barrow1981) 

C. Aggarwal(1995) 

D. Castle(1965)

                   ANSWER:  B

51. Which of the following categories of curriculum definition would be most difficult to evaluate?

          A. Broad definitions

          B. Midway definitions

          C. Narrow definitions

          D. Plan or Means definitions

                             ANSWER:  A

52. In Henson’s three levels of categorizing curriculum definitions, he used courses synonymously with ………

         A. Content

         B. Experiences.

         C. Process

         D. Ends

                             ANSWER:  A

53. One major demerit of perceiving the curriculum in a narrow sense is that ……..

        A.  allows curriculum to be thought of in a concrete and definite way

       B. Is flexible

       C. makes teachers teach along the pattern of examination questions.

       D. Would make the curriculum simple to access.

                             ANSWER:  C

54. In Henson’s three levels of categorizing curriculum definitions; one of the following groups has similar definitions under them all.

        A. Means, Content and Process

        B. Means, Experience and Plan

        C. Plan, Content, Experiences

        D. Process, Experiences and Ends

                             ANSWER:  D

55. Education describes the total process of human learning by which knowledge is imparted, faculties trained and skills developed. One criticism of the definition is that it …………..

       A. appears to include mis-education

         B. Is too wordy or verbose

         C. does not specify the trait imparted

         D. Sees education as a process

                             ANSWER:  B

56. Informal education is said to occur everywhere. One of the following is also making formal education almost possess characteristic too.

         A. It being a school-based phenomenon

         B. It’s convergent definition

         C. Technology

         D. The issuance of Certificates

                             ANSWER:  C

57. Which of the following has the largest number of Students

        A. Informal Education

        B. Formal Education

        C. Non-Formal Education

        D. Broad Education

                             ANSWER:  A

58. All the following are ways by which Henson (2015) categorized the definition of curriculum except…

        A. Content versus Experience definition

        B. Means versus End definition

        C. Process verses Plan definition

        D. Programme verses product definitions

                             ANSWER:  D

59. Given that final year students of UEW are being taught table manners, the study of table manners can be best described as ………

        A. Novel

        B. Co-curricula

        C. Extra- curricula

        D. Support curriculum

                             ANSWER:  B

60. The implementation of double-track system in second-cycle schools has occasioned some changes to schools’ timetables and academic calendars. This happening is an examples of …..( Select one:

     A. Government policy determining the Curriculum

     B. Societal considerations determining the curriculum

     C. Learners determining the curriculum

      D. Teachers determining the curriculum

                             ANSWER:  A

61. The Chief and people of Anansekrom are worried about graduates from Aansekrom SHS. The citizens complain that almost all boys from Anansekrom walk in a particular manner. Which curriculum terminology appropriately describes how Anansekrom students acquired these behavior? Select one

       A. Through the absent curriculum

       B. Through the co-curriculum

       C. Through the hidden curriculum

       D. Through the official curriculum

                             ANSWER:  C

62. All the following types of education utilizes curriculum except, Select one:

        A. Semi-formal education

        B. Non formal education

        C. Formal education

        D. Informal education

                             ANSWER:  D

63. Which of the following types of education does not make use of examination? Select one;

         A. Informal education

         B. Non-formal education

         C. Formal education

          D. Pre-formal education

                             ANSWER:  A

64. A group of traders at the Kotokuraba market organized themselves and invited teacher Apietus to teach them Cost Accounting every weekend. What type of education is this? Select one;

          A. Non-formal education

          B. Informal education

          C. Pre-formal education

          D. Formal education

                             ANSWER:  A

65. One of the following categorisations of curriculum definitions by Henson (2015) concentrates on the subject matter. Select one;

        A. Process

        B. Plan

        C. Courses

        D. Ends

                             ANSWER:  C

66. All the following are definitions of curriculum reflecting Means as used by Henson (2015), except ……….. Select one.

        A. Experiences children have under a teacher.

        B. A course of learning in a school

        C. Experience set up by the school

        D. Planned activities for instruction

                             ANSWER:  B

67. A lot of students love Instagram because they learn about fashion trends. Through celebrities posting pictures, they learn about new colour combinations, dress styles and new fashion statements, what type of education is being provided in this instances? Select one:

        A. Formal education

        B. Non-formal education

        C. Semi-formal education

        D. Informal education

                             ANSWER:  D

68. Curriculum is the collection of specified knowledge, skills, attitude, values from the disciplines. This definition best suits which categorization of curriculum definitions by Henson (2015)? Select one.

        A. Ends definitions

        B. Experiences definitions

        C. Plan definitions

        D. Content definitions

                             ANSWER:  A

69. In the security services there is a mantra “do before complain”. If a teacher uses this mantra in the classroom, the service he will be providing cannot count as education (going by RS Peter’s criteria) because. select one;

       A. What is transmitted is not worthwhile

       B. Knowledge transmission is involved but there is not understanding

       C. Learners will not commit to what is taught

       D. Learner do not willingly submit to learning

                             ANSWER:  D

70. In Henson’s (2015) three levels of categorizing curriculum definitions, he used courses synonymously with……………..

         A. Process

         B. Experience

         C. Content.

         D. Ends.

                             ANSWER:  C

72. Mr. Mensah, a curriculum expert has been invited to suggest ways of dealing with social problems in Anansekrom. He has so far reviewed the subjects that the students learn at Anansekrom SHS but he has found no fault from there. Which curriculum terminology appropriately describes the subjects studied in Anansekrom SHS?  Select one.  

          A. Co-curriculum

          B. Absent curriculum

          C. Hidden curriculum

          D. Official curriculum

                             ANSWER:  C

73. Which of the following types of education does not make use of examinations?

         A. Formal education

         B. Non-formal education

         C. Pre-formal education

         D. Informal education

                             ANSWER:  D

74. The implementation of double-track system in second-cycle schools has occasioned some changes to schools’ timetables and academic calendars. This happening is an example of ……… {    Select one;

        A. Government policy determining the curriculum

        B. Societal consideration determining the curriculum

        C. Teachers determining the curriculum

        D. Learners determining the curriculum 

                                      ANSWER:  A

75. One of the following categorisations of curriculum definitions by Henson (2015) concentrates on the subject matter.

       A. Plan

       B. Ends

       C. Process

       D. Courses

                                      ANSWER:  D

76. “Curriculum is the experiences children have under the teacher in a school” This definition reflects all the following categories of curriculum definition, except………….

          A. Process definitions.

          B. Ends definitions

          C. Midway definitions

          D. Broad definitions.

                                      ANSWER:  D

77.  Education involves the transmission of what is worthwhile from one generation to another. What is worthwhile as used here includes all the following EXCEPT. Select one.

          A. Knowledge 

          B. Co-education

          C. Values

          D. Skills

                             ANSWER:  B

78. All the following types of education utilizes curriculum except. Select one

          A. Semi-formal education

          B. Informal education

          C. Non-formal education

                             ANSWER:  B

79. Curriculum is the ‘permanent’ subjects that embody essential knowledge. In Tamakloe’s typolopy, what type of definition does this fit?

          A. Midway

          B. Broad

          C. Semi-Broad

         D. Narrow

                             ANSWER:  D

80. Which of the below curriculum terminology best represents the unintentionally acquired skills and attitudes emanating from the administrative setup of educational institution?  Select one:

         A. Official curriculum

         B. Null curriculum

         C. Actual curriculum

         D. Hidden curriculum

                             ANSWER:  A

81. If it was in the actual curriculum, then it is in the received curriculum. Select one.

          A. False

          B. True

                             ANSWER:  True

82. The National council for curriculum and Assessment has incorporate related to Greenhouse economy and energy efficiency in the Standard-based curriculum. This shows that the new curriculum is …..

         A. Complex

         B. Broad

         C. The result of long-term efforts

         D. Holistic

         E. Continuously evolving 

                             ANSWER:  E

83. All the following are definitions of curriculum reflecting Means as used by Henson (2015), except…… select one

        A. A course of learning in a school

        B. Experience set up by the school

        C. Planned activities for instruction

        D. Experiences Children have under a teacher

                             ANSWER:  D

84. The implementation of double track system in second cycle schools has occasioned some changes to schools’ timetables and academic calendars. This happening is an example of …………

          A. Teachers determining the curriculum

           B. Learners determining the curriculum

           C. Government policy determining the curriculum

           D. Societal considerations determining the curriculum

                             ANSWER:  C

85. There are knowledge gaps in the content. These gaps constitutes 

           A. Absent curriculum

           B. Extra curriculum

           C. Covert curriculum

           D. Overt curriculum

                             ANSWER:  A

86. All the following are other names of official curriculum except……………

          A. Covert curriculum

          B. Explicit

          C. Intended

          D. Recommended

                             ANSWER:  A

87. International best practice is to have curriculum reviewed every five years. Which feature of curriculum is demonstrated by this standard?

           A. It is designed for a particular group of people

           B. It is an institutional phenomenon

            C. It continuously evolves

           D. It is supported by society

                             ANSWER:  C

88. What type of education is provided when teachers attend workshop and seminars?

           A. Formal education

           B. Non-formal education

           C. Pre-formal education

           D. Informal education

                             ANSWER:  B

89. What the learner has experienced and can exhibit is the ………………

           A. Learned curriculum

           B. Assessed curriculum

           C. Actual curriculum

            D. Co- curriculum

                             ANSWER:  C

90. In Henson’s (2015) three levels of categorizing curriculum definitions. He used courses synonymously with ……………

       A. Process

       B. Content

       C. Experience

       D. Ends

                             ANSWER:  B

91. A circuit supervisor finds a teacher teaching content meant for Basic six in a JHS two class. In curriculum typology what the supervisor witnessed is …………..

          A. Hidden Curriculum

          B. Formal Curriculum

          C. Unwritten Curriculum

          D. Actual Curriculum

                             ANSWER:  D

92. A common characteristic of non-formal education is that it is ………..

          A. rigidly structured

          B. Informed by the philosophy of the society

          C. Organized for everyone in a given society

          D. Organized for a homogeneous group

                             ANSWER:  D

93. The more inadequate resources are in the school, the less the difference between the intended curriculum and the curriculum in-use.

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          A. False

          B. True

                             ANSWER:  False

94. Whenever Mr. Nti gets to the class and it is dirty. He asks all the female students in the class to sweep. The male students, therefore grew up to appreciate the sweeping is a female enterprise. What type of curriculum occasioned this form of learning?

           A. Hidden Curriculum

           B. Official Curriculum

           C. Informal Curriculum

           D. Actual Curriculum

                             ANSWER:  A

95. The part of the official curriculum that the teacher teaches is absolutely the actual curriculum.

              A. False

              B. True

                             ANSWER:  True

96. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the hidden curriculum?

          A. It takes place both inside and outside the classroom

           B. Learning is teacher-centered and not student-centered

           C. Learning is done unconsciously

           D. Learning includes positive message

            E. Learning includes negative message

                             ANSWER:  B

97. Henson (2015) categorized definitions of curriculum into three………..

            A. Meaningless categorisations

            B. Abstract groups

            C. Perfect categories

            D. Thematic groups

                             ANSWER:  D

98. One major demerit of perceiving the curriculum in a narrow sense is that it ……….

            A. Allow curriculum to be thought of in a concrete and definite way.

            B. Would make the curriculum simple to assess.

            C. Makes teachers teach along the pattern of examination questions.

            D. Is flexible.

                             ANSWER:  C

99. Mrs. Opoku taught her students about the three main religions in Ghana. She never gave the students the opportunity to learn about the other minor religions in Ghana. What type of curriculum has been portrayed in this scenario?

          A. Hidden Curriculum

          B. Informal Curriculum

          C. Taught Curriculum

           D. Absent Curriculum

           E. Non-formal Curriculum

                             ANSWER:  D

100. All the following curricula refers to the same thing, except ………….

           A. Curriculum in-use

           B. Operational Curriculum

            C. Thought Curriculum

            D. Actual Curriculum

                             ANSWER:  D

101. In most all boys schools in Ghana, first year students often shave their hair like that of the final years. This behavior of the first years typifies ………. Select one.

           A. Formal Curriculum

           B. Official Curriculum

           C. Experience curriculum

           D. Co-curriculum

           E. Hidden curriculum

                             ANSWER:  E

102. The National Council for curriculum and Assessment has incorporated topics related to Greenhouse economy and energy efficiency in the standard-based Curriculum. This shows that new curriculum is…. Select one.

            A. The result of long-term efforts

            B. Holistic

            C. Broad

            D. Continuously evolving

            E. Complex

                             ANSWER:  D

103. All the following are ways by which Henson (2015) categorized the definitions of curriculum, except .. Select One.

            A. Means versus End definition

            B. Programme verses product definitions

            C. Content versus Experience definitions

           D. Process versus Plan definitions

                             ANSWER:  B

104. All the lessons one goes through in life before death is classified as ……… select one.

            A. Pre-formal education

            B. informal education

            C. non-formal education

            D. Formal education

                             ANSWER:  B

105. Which one of the following is not a feature of the official curriculum? It…………select one.

           A. entails what is to be taught and learnt

           B. planned and structured

           C. has deliberately unwritten content

           D. is public

                             ANSWER:  D

106. When the official curriculum is inversely implemented continuously, then the …. Select one.

            A. actual curriculum and the official curriculum align

            B. Support curriculum is adequate and effective

            C. explicit curriculum is the received curriculum shrinks

            D. null curriculum diminishes

                             ANSWER:  A

107. According to Caswell and Campbell (1935), curriculum is composed of all the experiences children have under the guidance of the teacher, This description of the curriculum is … Select one.

            A. Subway

            B. Midway

            C. Narrow

            D. Broad

                             ANSWER:  B

108. One of the following is less likely to make the intended curriculum to be implemented differently. Select one.

           A. The presence of a seasoned professional teacher

           B. Loss of contact hours

           C. Irrelevant previous knowledge of learners

            D. Inadequate resources

                             ANSWER:  B

109. In the security service there is a mantra; “do before complain”. If a teacher uses this mantra in the classroom, the service he will be providing cannot count as education (going by RS Peters’ criteria) because. Select one.

           A. Knowledge transmission is involved but there is no understanding

           B. Learners do not willingly submit to learning

           C. Learners will not commit to what is taught

           D. What is transmitted is not worthwhile

                             ANSWER:  B

110. International best practice is to have curriculum reviewed every five years. Which feature of curriculum is demonstrated by this standard? Select one.

       A. it is an institutional phenomenon

       B. It is supported by society

       C. It is designed for a particular group of people

       D. It continuously evolves

                             ANSWER:  D

111. Which of these types of curriculum usually targets the emotional domain of learning? Select one.

        A. Curriculum in use

        B. Support curriculum

        C. Co-curriculum

        D. Official Curriculum

                             ANSWER:  C

112. According to Ragan (1960), “curriculum is all experiences of the child for which the school accepts responsibility”, how can we classify this definition using Tamakloes categorisations? Select one.

          A. Narrow

          B. Midway

          C. Subway

          D. Broad

                             ANSWER:  B

113. The official curriculum of a particular level of education in a country includes all the following except the ;….. Select one.

          A. Syllabi for that level of education

          B. Public holidays on the National Calendar of the country

          C. Philosophies of education of that level of education

          D. Educational aims of the level of education

                             ANSWER:  B

114. Which of the following is in accordance with Henson’s (2015) three levels of categorizing curriculum definitions? Select one.

          A. Plan versus Courses

          B. Ends Versus Process

          C. Experiences versus Content

           D. Experiences versus Means

                             ANSWER:  C

115. In the classroom context, learning that is occasioned by the interaction between teachers and students, and among students is known as select one…………

         A. Experienced curriculum

         B. Official Curriculum

         C. Operational Curriculum

         D. Co-curriculum

                             ANSWER:  D

116. The part of the official curriculum that the teacher teaches is absolutely the actual curriculum, Select one.

         A. True

         B. False

                             ANSWER:  True 

117. All the following curricula refers to the same thing, except ……. Select one.

       A. Operational curriculum

        B. actual curriculum

        C. Curriculum in-use

        D. thought curriculum

                             ANSWER:  B

118. In curriculum terminology, teacher’s use of recommended textbooks to support teaching and learning is known as Select one.

          A. Official curriculum

          B. Null curriculum

          C. Hidden Curriculum

          D. Informal curriculum

                             ANSWER:  A

119. One of the following type of education utilizes age classifications. Select One

          A. Non-formal education

          B. Semi-formal education

          C. Formal education

          D. Informal education

                             ANSWER:  C

120. What the learner has experienced and can exhibit is the ……………….. Select one.

          A. Assessed curriculum

          B. Co-curriculum

          C. Actual curriculum

          D. Learned curriculum

                             ANSWER:  C

121. The standards-based curriculum is an example of Select one.

          A. Co-curriculum

          B. Actual curriculum

          C. Official curriculum

          D. Hidden curriculum

                             ANSWER:  C

122. Which of the following is in accordance with Henson’s (2015) three levels of categorizing curriculum definitions? Select one

        A. Experience versus Content

        B. Plan versus Courses

         C. Experiences versus Means

        D. Ends versus Process

                                      ANSWER:  A

123. In curriculum development process, the exclusion of certain content areas such as knowledge, skills and values can be referred to as, select one

           A. Hidden Curriculum

           B. Overt Curriculum

           C. Core Curriculum

           D. Null Curriculum

                                      ANSWER:  D

124. All the following are definitions of curriculum reflecting Means as used by Henson (2015), except ….. Select one;

           A. Experiences children have under a teacher

           B. A courses of learning in a school

           C. Planned activities for instruction

           D. Experiences set up by the school

                                      ANSWER:  B

125. “Curriculum is the experiences children have under the teacher in a school” This definition reflects all the following categories of curriculum definition, except the ….. select one.

         A. Midway definitions

         B. Broad definitions 

         C. Process definitions

         D. Ends definitions

                                      ANSWER:  D

126. Which of the following has the largest number of beneficiaries? Select one.

           A. Non-formal education

           B. Semi-formal education

           C. Formal education

           D. Informal education

                                       ANSWER:  D

127. Curriculum is such ‘permanent’ subjects as grammar, reading, logic, rhetoric, mathematics, and the greatest books of the Western world that best embody essential knowledge. In Tamakloe’s typology, what type of definition does this fit? Select one.

            A. Semi-Broad

            B. Midway

            C. Broad

            D. Narrow

                                      ANSWER:  D

128.Which of the below curriculum terminology best represents the unintentionally acquired skills and attitudes emanating from the administrative setup of the university of Education, Winneba? Select One.

           A. Hidden curriculum

           B. Null curriculum

           C. Actual curriculum

           D. Official curriculum

                                      ANSWER:  A

129. Education involves the transmission of what is worthwhile from one generation to another. What is worthwhile as used here includes all the following EXCEPT select one.

         A. Knowledge

         B. Skills

         C. Co-education

         D. Value

                                      ANSWER:  C

130. This type of education does not lead to a formal certification it is purposely organized to serve the need or an identified group. This definition best describes which of the following types of education? Select one.

         A. Semi-Formal Education

         B. Formal Education

         C. Informal Education

          D. Non-Formal Education

                             ANSWER:  D

131. A lot of students love Instagram because they learn about fashion trends. Through celebraties posting pictures, they learn about new colour combinations, dress styles and new fashion statements. What type of education is being provided in this instance? Select one?

         A. Semi-formal education

         B. Formal education

         C. Non-formal education

         D. Informal education

                             ANSWER:  D

132. As a student of curriculum what in your estimation best describes curriculum definitions that excludes some salient educational programs in the school? Select one.

           A. Narrow definitions

           B. Midway definitions

           C. Broad definitions

           D. Actual definitions

                             ANSWER:  A

133. All the following are other names of official curriculum, except …… select one.

            A. Covert curriculum

            B. Explicit

            C. Recommended

            D. Intended

                             ANSWER:  A

134.  The word education originated from a …………. Word. Select one.

            A. Greek

            B. French

            C. Latin

            D. Larteh

                                      ANSWER:  C


135. Tyler (1949) suggests four groups of learning experiences. Which of the following is not one of those? Select one

             A. Those that develop skills in thinking.

             B. Those that are helpful in developing retentive memory

             C. Those that are helpful in developing interests.

             D. Those that are helpful in acquiring information

                             ANSWER:  B

136. In designing the school curriculum, Mr. Kofi Kwakye downplayed the importance of selecting content. Which of the following authors influenced the thought of Mr. Kwakye? Select one.

              A. Taba

              B. Walker

              C. Wheeler

              D. Tyler

                             ANSWER:  D

  137. In the cyclical models of curriculum development, the various stages are seen as .. select one.

             A. One way process of establishing educational objectives

             B. Simple and Mechanistic 

             C. Independent of each other

             D. Interrelated and interdependent

                             ANSWER:  D

138. According to wheeler, the target of subjects such as social studies and Mathematics can be classified as select one.

            A. Specific objectives

            B. Proximate Goal

            C. Mediate Goal

            D. Ultimate Goal

                             ANSWER:  B

139. At the preamble of a music curriculum, it is stated “learners would be able to sing a patriotic song” This is a/an ………… select one.

           A. Objective

           B. Philosophy

           C. Learning Activity

           D. Goal

            E. Aim

                             ANSWER:  D

140. When the state empowers individual school to decide what to teach and how to teach, which of the following models of curriculum development can best be adapted by the teachers? Select one.

              A. Walker’s (1971) Naturalistic model

              B. Taba’s Grassroot (1962) model

              C. Tyler’s (1948) Linear model

              D. Wheeler’s (1967) Process Model

                             ANSWER:  B

141. In a linear model of curriculum development, evaluation is usually presented at the final step. This means that …………….. select one.

           A. there is a connection between evaluation and the statement of purpose

           B. evaluation is not as important as the other steps

           C. the outcome of the evaluation would determine the selection of the next topic

           D. evaluation is the final point which shows an end in curriculum development.

                             ANSWER:  D

142. The goals set by educational institutions in wheeler’s typology are known as ……. Select one.

           A. Ultimate

           B. Proximate

           C. Mediate

           D. Mission

           E. Specific

                             ANSWER:  C

143. During the curriculum designing processes, what in your estimation represents the knowledge, skills, and principle passed on from one generation to the other represented as subjects?

            A. Learning experiences

            B. Content

            C. Statement of purpose

             D. Evaluation

                             ANSWER:  B

144. Which one of the following people organized and integrated content and learning experiences together in the design of the school curriculum?

            A. Tyler

            B. Wheeler

            C. Taba

            D. Nicol

                             ANSWER:  B

145. Basic components of the curriculum includes the following except select one.

           A. the state of educational purpose

           B. the subject matter to be implemented

           C. teacher-learner experiences

           D. the entry behavior of students

                             ANSWER:  D

146. All of the below are deemed as experiences that should be promoted by educators based on the Tyler model EXCEPT; select one

          A. Experiences that promotes developing interest in learning

          B. Experiences that promotes cultural awareness

          C. Experiences that promotes acquisition of information

          D. Experiences that promotes skills in thinking

                             ANSWER:  B

147. In curriculum development discourse, the “how” of curriculum refers to …… select one

                A. Profile Dimension

                B. Purpose

                C. Teaching Activities

                D. Content

                E. Learning experience

                             ANSWER:  E

148. All the following also refers to walker’s model of curriculum development except …. Select one

             A. Communicative model

             B. Objectives model

             C. Deliberative model

             D. Descriptive model

                             ANSWER:  B

159. To walker (1971), the stage of curriculum development where participants move away from belief to critically weighing alternative courses of action against resources available, ends or objectives in view is called the ………select one

            A. platform

            B. design stage

            C. evaluation stage

             D. deliberations stage

                             ANSWER:  D

150. The uniqueness of Wheeler’s model of curriculum development is that …. Select one

              A. each of the elements is presented as discreet

              B. the cyclical process suggests that curriculum development is continuous in nature

              C. it presents curriculum planning in a linear form, hence very simple to adopt

              D. it makes it difficult to adopt the model

                                      ANSWER:  B

151. Which of these models of curriculum development suggests that curriculum planners undertake a diagnoses before developing objectives? Select one.

                 A. Wheeler’s model

                 B. Taba’s model

                 C. Tyler’s model

                 D. Gagne’s model

                             ANSWER:  B

152. Which of the following BEST explains the difference between aims and objectives? Select one.

              A. Objectives are formulated for evaluation of content but aims are not

              B. Aim are broader and objectives are more measurable

              C. Objectives are broader and Aims are more measurable

              D. Aim are formulated by teachers and objectives are formulated nationally

                             ANSWER:  B

153. The expert who proposed a model for curriculum development based on four fundamental questions is Select one.

                A. Hilda Taba

                B. Ralph Tyler

                C. Daryl Kenneth wheeler

                D. Decker Walker

                             ANSWER:  B

154. All the following includes Tyler’s (1949) sources of educational purposes except the, select one.

                A. School

                B. Learner

                C. Society

                D. Subject specialist

                             ANSWER:  A

155. In selecting learning experience, Tyler (1949) advocates for all the following except……………….        Select one: 

A.   Those that help in acquiring information

B.   Those that help in developing Social attitudes

C.   Those that develop thinking skills

D.   Those that develop interesting character


156.  One of the following is NOT a component of Walker’s model of curriculum development.   Select one: 

A.   Evaluation

B.   Curriculum design

C.   Platform

D.   Deliberations


157. The question “how can we determine whether these purpose are being attained” relates to what in Tyler’s (1949) model? Select One: 

A.   Evaluation

B.   Dimension

C.   Organization of Experience

D.   Content

E.    Learning Experience


158. To prepare students to live responsible lives’. This statement describes an educational    Select one : 

A.   Aim

B.   Objective

C.   Content

D.   Goal


159. In curriculum theorizing, the “ why ” of curriculum is referred to as ………..Select one: 

A.   Content

B.   Evaluation

C.   Profile Dimension

D.   Methodology

E.    Purpose


160. A comprehensive educational agenda will have goals for the three domains of learning. These are: Select one: 

A.   Cogtive, Affective, Psychomotor

B.   Psychomotor, effective and Cognitive

C.   Cognitive, Psychomotor and Affective

D.   Affective, Cognitive, sychomotor



161. As one familiar with curriculum development processes, experiences that affects the thinking capacities of learners can best be described as what? Select One: 

A.    Psychomotor domain

B.   Affective domain

C.   Cognitive domain

D.   Emotional domain


162. Which one of the following models of curriculum development begins with a more subjective perceptions or views? Select One: 

A.    Walker’s model

B.   Taba’s model

C.   Wheeler’s model

D.   Tyler’s model 


163. Which of the below in your estimation most appropriately distinguishes Tyler’s model of curriculum development from that of Taba?

A.   The manner in which experiences are organized

B.   Diagnosis of Needs as presented  in Taba’s model

C.   The fusion of content and experiences in Tyler’s model 

D.   The lack of evaluation in Tyler’s model 


164. Children learn more through observation and imitation. This statement has greater implications for …………..Select one: 

A.   Learning Experience

B.   Evaluation

C.   Content

D.   Statement of Purpose 


165. In organizing the activities of Fankyiniko M/A Basic School, Teacher Out ensured that the experiences reoccur in the students’ academic lives at different levels. Which of the following criteria has he satisfied? Select one: 

A.   Integration

B.   Sequence

C.   Continuity

D.   Significance


166. Teacher Otu asked his students to describe their parents in three words after the lesson. What type of objective are the students required to demonstrate? Select one.

A.    Affective

B.   Sensorimotor

C.   Psychomotor

D.   Intellectual


167. One difference between Tyler’s and Taba model of curriculum development is:   Select one

A.   Tyler advocates situational analysis but Taba does not

B.   Tyler placed more emphasis on content than Taba

C.   Taba’s model has more steps than Tyler’s

D.   Taba is a pioneer in the field of curriculum development


168. Teacher Kofi decided to organize his learning experiences according to the criteria proposed by Tyler. Which of the following should he leave out? 

Select one: 

A.   Sequence

B.   Continuity

C.   Significance

D.   Integration



169.  The goals of institutions such as University of Education and University of Cape Coast are referred to as …………….Select one: 

A.   Mediate Goal

B.   Proximate Goal

C.   Ultimate Goal 

D.   Specific Objectives



170. According to Taba’s (1962) Grassroot Model, the preliminary phase in the development of an educational curriculum is Select one: 

A.   Selection and Organization of content

B.   Evaluation of learning experiences

C.   Diagnosis of needs

D.   Formulation of objectives 



171. Both Taba and Tyler’s models have been described as…………… models Select one: 

A.   Divergent

B.   Cyclical

C.   Inter – relational

D.   Linear



172. One significant improvement that Taba’s model sought to make over Tyler’s earlier model is: Select one: 

A.   Organizing learning experience before content.

B.   Selecting content and learning experiences separately

C.   Expanding the duration for development of curriculum

D.   Selecting learning experience before content


173. Students learn more through observation and imitation. This statement has greater implications for………….Select one :

A.   Statement of purpose

B.   Organization of content

C.   Selection of content

D.   Organization of purpose 



174. As one familiar with Tyler’s model of curriculum development, which one of the following in your estimation is NOT as source recommended by Tyler in the selection of curriculum objectives? Select one: 

A.   Learner

B.   Subject matter specialist

C.   Government

D.   Society


175. Which one of the following people organized and integrated content and learning experiences together in the design of the school curriculum?

Select one: 

A.   Nicol

B.   Wheeler

C.   Taba

D.   Tyler


176. Students learn more through observation and imitation. This statement has greater implications for ……………..Select one: 

A.   Organization of purpose 

B.   Selection of learning Experience

C.   Statement of purpose

D.   Selection of content

E.    Organization of content


177. According to Wheeler, the target of students such as Social Studies and Mathematics can be classified as…………..Select one

A.   Specific Objectives

B.   Proximate Goal

C.   Mediate Goal

D.   Ultimate Goal




178. Which one of the following people organized and integrated content and learning experiences together in the design of the school curriculum?

Select one:

A.   Nicol

B.   Wheeler

C.   Taba

D.   Tyler



179. Students learn more through observation and imitation. This statement has greater implications for…………..Select one: 

A.   Organization of purpose 

B.   Selection of learning experience

C.   Statement of Purpose

D.   Selection of content

E.    Organization of content


180. In which of the following stages of curriculum development does brainstorming occur according to Walker’s Model? Select one: 

A.   Deliberations

B.   Platform

C.   Evaluation

D.   Curriculum design


181. At the preamble of a music curriculum, it is stated “learners would be able to sing a patriotic song” . This is a /an………….Select one: 

A.   Aim

B.   Objective

C.   Learning Activity

D.   Goal


182. The goals set by educational institutions in Wheeler’s typology are known as…………….Select one: 

A.   Proximate

B.   Mediate

C.   Mission

D.   Ultimate

E.    Specific




183. One different between Tyler’s and Taba’s, model of curriculum development is ……….. Select one: 

A.   Taba is a pioneer in the field of curriculum development

B.   Taba’s model has more steps than Tyler’s model

C.   Tyler advocates situational analysis but Taba does not 

D.   Tyler placed more emphasis on content than Taba.



184. Taba’s  (1962)  Grassroot Model, of curriculum design proposes situational analysis as …………..Select one:

A.   Evaluation of learning experiences

B.   Selection and organization of content

C.   The preliminary phase in curriculum development

D.   Integration of content and learning experiences



185. In curriculum, purposes stated for…… within an educational system are called…… 

A. Objectives 

B. Goals 

C. Aims 

D. Purposes 



186. Which of these determinants of curriculum should a society consider if she wants to use the curriculum to achieve social and political strategy?

 A. Cross cultural factors 

B. Teachers 

C. Societal considerations 

D. Existing curriculum 


187. Which of these factors will enhance the preservation of the way of life in a society when developing the curriculum? 

A. Culture of the people 

          B. Number of subject options available 

C. Resources available 

D. Evaluation systems 

                                      ANSWER:  A


189. A syllabus plays all these significant roles EXCEPT……. 

 A. Breaking related topics in a subject area into teachable units 

 B. Translating the philosophy of the curriculum 

C. Making the aims of the curriculum achievable in class 

D. Prescribing policies that facilitate curriculum implementation 



190. The content learners must be exposed to un schools is derived from…… 

A. Aims and goals 

B. Evaluation 

C. Theories and concepts 

D. Teaching methods 



191. All of these may be elements that learners interact within class to enable them understand content except……… 

A. Passages 

B. Textbooks 

C. Posters on walls 

D. Teacher 


192. Government’s policies influence curriculum achievement in all the following ways except……. 

A. Providing teaching / learning resources 

B. Sequential arrangement of contents 

C. Creating access to education 

D. Hiring of personnel 


193. Some curriculum definitions are considered based because they…. 

A. Include the co-curriculum and the integrated curriculum 

B. Includes the co-curriculum and positive aspects of the hidden curriculum 

C. Includes educative and noneducative elements 

D. Includes the negative aspects of the hidden curriculum 



194. Philosophy of education helps to provide answers to all these questions except…. 

A. What should learners be taught? 

B. How should learners be taught? 

C. Where should the school be located? 

D. What learning environment should be provided for learners 


195. The interaction between the learner and the conditions in his external environment to which he can react to is referred to as………. 

A. Learning experiences 

B. Emotional experiences 

C. Cognitive experiences 

D. Physical experiences


196. Which of these empowers all the other agents of education? 

A. Media 

B. School 

C. Family 

D. Religious bodies 


197. Which of the determinant of the curriculum can influence the construction of a new one? 

A. Existing curriculum 

B. Political considerations 

C. Cross cultural factors 

D. Philosophy of education 



198. One of these components provides learners with the required information to enable them exhibit intended purposes. 

A. Aims and goals 

B. Evaluation 

C. Content 

D. Teaching methods 



199. The curriculum is considered clientele-oriented because it is designed for a ……. 

a. Particular group of leaders 

b. Certain category of teachers 

c. Particular group of customers 

d. Particular society 



200. All of these may be stated in an official curriculum EXCEPT…… 

A. Number subjects to be studied at various levels 

B. Duration of various levels within educational system 

C. Socio-economic background of learners 

D. Educational philosophy 



201. Saint Windfill International School in Kumasi agreed with the PTA to conduct spelling Bs or debates on Friday after 12:00noon. These may form part of the ……… curriculum. 

A. Official 

B. Formal 

C. Actual 

D. Hidden 



202. Which of these is the most worthwhile value parents’ visit to school will inculcate in learners? 

A. Tolerance 

B. Obedience 

C. Responsibility 

D. Compassion 



203. Which of these may be considered as Ghana’s social need for which provision can be made in the curriculum?

 A. Sanitation 

B. Inadequate supply of essential goods 

C. Poverty reduction 

D. Intolerance of opinions 



204. One of these may not be an element learners interact with in class to enable them understand content. 

A. Supplementary readers 

B. Resource person 

C. Other learners 

D. Head teacher 



205. When curriculum developers formulate an educational philosophy, it helps to do all the following except…… 

A. Define the role of resource persons 

B. Identify inconsistencies in the school programme 

C. Clarify societal values 

D. Enhances collaboration among curricurists. 



206. ‘What things must be known’ in the sabertooth curriculum were made up of…….. 

A. The way children played in the community 

B. Some activities practiced in the community 

C. Fish grabbing with bare hands 

D. How the adult worked to survive? 



207. The skills, values ad attitudes the culture of a school teachers learners forms part of the …….. curriculum 

A. Operational 

B. Intended 

C. Collateral 

D. Informal 



208. Statements of intended learning outcomes for subjects are referred to as…… 

A. Purposes 

B. Aims 

C. Goals 

D. Objectives 



209. This component of an educational programme is provided to enable learners understand concepts? 

A. Purposes 

B. Learning experiences 

C. Subject matter 

D. Evaluation 


210. In curriculum construction purposes stated for levels within an educational system is called……. 

A. Ultimate aims 

B. Mediate goals 

C. Proximate goals 

D. Specific objectives 


211. Which of these ensures the preservation of the ways of life of a society when developing a curriculum? 

A. Subject matter 

B. Learning experiences

C. Resources available 

D. Evaluation 



212. The subject matter learners must be exposed to in schools is derived from…….. 

A. Aims and goals 

B. Evaluation 

C. Theories and concepts 

D. Teaching methods 



213. The interaction between the learner and the conditions in his external environment to which he can react to is referred to as……….. 

A. Learning materials 

B. Emotional experiences 

C. Learning activities 

D. Learning experiences



214. Which of the determinants of the curriculum influence the construction of a new one? 

A. Existing curriculum 

B. Political consideration 

C. Cross cultural factors 

D. Philosophy of education 


215. The curriculum designed for a particular group of people. It is therefore considered…… 

A. Customer oriented 

B. Clientele oriented 

C. People oriented 

D. Cultural oriented 


216. All of these may be stated in an official curriculum EXCEPT….. 

A. Number of subjects to be studied at various levels 

B. Duration of various levels within an educational system 

C. Socio-economic background of learners 

D. Educational philosophy 


217. Saint Windhill International School agreed with the PTA to conduct debates on Fridays after school hours. This may form part of the……….. curriculum 

A. Official 

B. Formal 

C. Informal 

D. Actual



218. Which of these may be considered as Ghana’s political interest or which provision can be made for the curriculum? 

A. Affordable goods 

B. Sanitation 

C. Poverty reduction 

D. Tolerance of opinion


219. One of these may not be an element learners interact with in class to enable them understand content. 

A. Head master 

B. Resource person 

C. Other learners 

D. Diagrams on walls 



220. When curriculum developers formulates an educational philosophy, it helps to do the following except……. 

A. Define the role of resource person 

B. Identify inconsistencies in the school programme 

C. Clarify societal values 

D. Enhances collaboration among curricurists 



221. ‘sequencing’ as a technique for organizing content allows……. 

A. Concepts to be repeated with increasing difficulty 

B. Concepts to be reiterated without increasing complexity 

C. Some topics to be repeated across a number of subjects 

D. Various disciplines to be fused into a composite whole 



222. When objectives selected for a lesson are understood differently by different teachers, which principle has been applied?

A. Balance 

B. Feasibility 

C. Validity 

D. Precision 



223. All these are purposes for evaluating an instructional programme EXCEPT…… 

A. Adopting the programme 

B. Comparing programme 

C. Diagnosing the programme 

D. Revising aspects of the programmes 



224. Within which category of curriculum definitions will you place this “the curriculum is all that students experience in order to become useful citizens”…….. 

A. Broad 

B. Midway 

C. Narrow 

D. Wide 



225. Philosophy of education helps to provide answers for all these questions except….. 

A. How should learners be taught? 

B. What should learners be taught? 

C. What uniform should learners use? 

D. What learning environment should be provided for learners? 




226. When content selected is beneficial to the learner and to the society, now and in the future, what principle has been applied? 

A. Functionality 

B. Validity 

C. Utility 

D. Significance 



227. Wheeler refers to experiences used to develop the affective domain as….. experiences 

A. Affective 

B. Cognitive 

C. Emotional 

D. effective 



228. When people in a community get access to what legitimately, what condition has been provided? 

A. Safety 

B. Satisfaction 

C. Sufficiency 

D. Stimulus 



229. Which of the components of the curriculum provides evidence for curriculum reviews? 

A. Learning experience 

B. Evaluation 

C. Purpose 

D. Subject matter 



230. Which of these empowers all the other agents of curriculum? 

A. Family 

B. Media 

C. School 

D. Religious bodies 



231. Purposes stated for various subjects as found in the syllabus are called…………………. 

A. Mediate goals 

B. Proximate goals 

C. Specific goals 

D. Ultimate goals 



232. One of the reasons why the JSS/SSS concept was introduced in 1987 was that………….. 

A. Duration for pre-tertiary education was too long 

B. Government was spending too much on pre-tertiary education 

C. Most teachers were not qualified to teach. 

D. Parents spent too much on pre-tertiary education 




233. Which of the determinants of curriculum can be used as a tool for achieving social stability? 

A. Cross cultural factors 

B. Existing curriculum 

C. Political consideration 

D. Philosophy of education 



234. The interaction between the learner and the conditions in his external environment to which he can react to is referred to as ………….. 

A. Cognitive experience

B. Learning experience 

C. Teaching learning experience 

D. Physical experience 



235. When people in a community get enough access to basic necessities of life to make them comfortable, what condition has been provided? 

A. Safety 

B. Satisfaction 

C. Sufficiency 

D. Stimulus 



236. Which of the components of the curriculum serves as oasis for determining its success or failure? 

See also  Nogokpo chiefs give Agyinasare 14-day ultimatum to appear before themor else…

A. Learning experience 

B. Evaluation 

C. Purpose 

D. Subject matter 



237. Which of these tools helps to operationalize the curriculum? 

A. Teaching method 

B. Scheme of work 

C. Syllabus of work 

D. Lesson notes 



238. During lesson, Mr. Darko, the English teacher, provides experiences to enable learners demonstrate all outcomes intended. What principle does he apply? 

A. Comprehensiveness 

B. Variety 

C. Validity 

D. learnability 



239. The negative values and attitudes learners acquire in school through socialization are considered ……………elements. 

A. Non-educative 

B. Mis-educative 

C. Negative 

D. Unless 



240. Which determinant of the curriculum helps to identify inconsistences in the curriculum that are compatible with people and their relationship with the environment? 

A. Cross cultural factors 

B. Government policies 

C. Psychology of learning 

D. Philosophy of learning 



241. Who are the final implementers of an education program? 

A. Learners 

B. Teachers 

C. Curriculum developers 

D. Government 



242. Which pattern of curriculum organization allows various aspects of disciplines to be selected and put together in order to enhance learners understanding? 

A. Subject matter curriculum 

B. Activity curriculum 

C. Core curriculum 

D. Integrated curriculum 




243. Which of these is not a strength of the discipline centered curriculum? 

A. It promote an in-depth study of a discipline 

B. The cultural heritage of the society is preserved 

C. It broadens the horizon of both teachers and learners 

D. It is easier to construct 



244. Which of these does NOT form part of a subject matter? 

A. Interactive techniques 

B. Theories 

C. Values 

D. Principles 



245. Governments all over the world influence the curriculum through administrative policies, curriculum experts and …………………………… 

A. Panel discussions 

B. Curriculum reports 

C. Parliamentary debates 

D. Legislative acts 



246. Psychology of learning influence curriculum design by facilitating the………………….. 

A. Funding education 

B. Hiring of personnel 

C. Sequential arrangements of content 

D. Determination of aims of education 



247. In curriculum construction mediate goals are stated for 

A. The nation 

B. An institution 

C. A lesson 



248. Tyler’s model is considered linear because ……………… 

A. It begins with objectives and end with evaluation 

B. Learning experiences are derived from objectives 

C. Objectives from the basis for evaluating the curriculum 

D. Learning experience are organized. 




249. In selecting content for his students, Mr. Ofosu ensure that what he selected was authentic and could help learners demonstrate expected. Outcomes. What criterion influenced his choice of content? 

A. Validity 

B. Significance 

C. Learnability 

D. Utility 



250. All these are strength of an integrated curriculum except……………………………. 

A. It reinforces learners understanding of concepts 

B. It eliminates repetition of concepts 

C. It preserves society’s cultural heritage 

D. It is easier organizing the curriculum in this manner




251. What things must be known in the sabertooth curriculum were made up of……. 

A. The way children played in the community 

B. How the adult worked to survive? 

C. Fish grabbing with bare hands 

D. Same activities practiced in the community 



252. This is not one of the first subjects designed for the sabertooth curriculum. 

A. Digging bear 

B. Fish grabbing with bare hands 

C. Tiger scaring with fire 




253. The skills, names and attitudes learners acquire as a result of the way a school is planned forms part of the……. curriculum. 

A. Operational 

B. Intended 

C. Collateral 

D. Informal 



254. Statements of intentions of policy makers for an educational system are referred to as……… 

A. Purposes 

B. Aims 

C. Goals 

D. Objectives 



255. What teachers are expected to teach and learners expected to learn from part of the ……. Curriculum. 

A. Actual 

B. Co-curriculum 

C. Formal 

D. Official 




256. Which of these is an appropriate description for the curriculum? 

A. It is a planned programme of activities a school exposes learners to 

B. It is the planned series of activities stated in the syllabus 

C. It is the subjects learners learn in school 

D. It is all that students experience in order to be useful citizens 




257. The various psychologies of learning influence curriculum making by facilitating the 

A. Formulation of educational purposes 

B. Selection of content

C. Selection of teaching techniques 

D. Sequential organization of learning experiences 



258. This component of an educational programme provides data for curriculum reviews? 

A. Purposes 

B. Learning experiences

C. Subject matter 

D. Evaluation 




259. Within which category of curriculum definition will you place this; ‘the curriculum is the series of courses students are taken through in an educational institution’ 

A. Broad 

B. Midway 

C. Narrow 

D. Wide



260.“At the end of the lesson, students will be able to write letters of the alphabet following the directions provided in their writing book”. What type of objective is this?

A.   Cognitive Objective

B.   Emotional Objective

C.   Psychomotor Objective

D.   Intelectual Objective


261.Although Ghana has high rate of Access to electricity, dumsor (Power Outage) is very rampant. Which of the following statements best describes this condition?

A.   Ghana has achieved both quantitative and qualitative development in the area of electricity.

B.   Ghana has achieved quantitative development in the area of electricity.

C.   Ghana has achieved qualitative development in the area of electricity.

D.   Ghana has achieved no development in the area of electricity.



262.With the launch of the National Identity Card, Ghanaians will eventually have a single form of ID for multiple functions. This act of instituting this system is a ……………..

A.   Developmental Change

B.   Transitional Change

C.   Transformative Change

D.   Transformational Change 



263.The New Basic School curriculum has introduced a subject called “ Our World Our people”, which is an amalgamation of themes from different subjects areas. This pattern of curriculum organization may be referred to as 

A.    Subject Centered Curriculum

B.   Broad Field Curriculum

C.   Core Curriculum

D.   Activity Centered Curriculum



264.While it is rarely possible for a formative evaluation to be conducted at the end of a lesson, what other characteristic will guarantee that such an evaluation is formative.

A.   Results will be used to grade students

B.   Results will improve teaching and learning

C.   Students will not be timed in this evaluation

D.   Teachers will be friendly during invigilation



Instruction: Use the narrative below to answer questions 6 – 8

In a Social Studies lesson at Asikuma MA JHS, Madam Pomaa taught students about 16 regions in Ghana but she used a map that showed 10 regions. At Odoben MA JHS however, Mr. Acheampong taught students that there are 10 regions in Ghana because he was not aware of the new development in the political arena. Interestingly, both lessons aimed at equipping students with knowledge about Ghana’s political administration.

265.Which criteria for selecting components of the curriculum has been violated by Mr. Acheampong?

A.   Validity of Learning experience

B.   Validity of Content

C.   Validity of Purpose

D.   Validity of Evaluation



266.Which of criteria for selecting components of the curriculum has been violated by Mr. Madam Pomaa?

A. Validity of Evaluation

B. Validity of Purpose

C. Validity of Content

D. Validity of Learning experience




267. The purpose for which the two teachers taught about regions in Ghana       satisfies………..criteria for selecting objectives.

A. Personality Functionality

B. Social Functionality

C. Personal and Social Functionality

D.  No Functionality




268. A syllabus is an overall plan of the learning process. It differs from curriculum because 

I.A Curriculum prescribes what is to be taught

II. A Syllabus describes concepts to be taught

III. Syllabus can be designed by teachers

IV. Curriculum is bigger in scope

A.   I,II, and IV only

B.   All of the above

C.   I,II and IV only 

D.   I,II,III only 



269. To say curriculum is democratically conceived means: 

A. It is a long and tedious process

B. It needs a democratic environment to be implemented 

C. It. requires a referendum to authenticate

D. It goes through a process, and involves a number of stakeholders




270. Covert Curriculum is another term for ………….

A. Official curriculum

B. Formal Curriculum

C. Hidden Curriculum

D. Co- curriculum 



271. In Curriculum development discourse, “the how” of curriculum refers to…………….

A. purpose statement

B. content

C. Learning experience

D. evaluation



272. In selecting learning experience, Tyler advocates for all the following EXCEPT ……

A. Those that develop thinking skills

B. those that develop interesting character

C. Those that help in acquiring social attitudes

D. Those that help in acquiring information




273. Objectives is said to be socially functional when

A. it benefits the learner

B. it benefits learning

C. it benefits society

D. it benefits some persons in society




274. The Ministry of Education organized educational services for farmers to be equipped with the modern and scientific methods of farming. What type of education did the farmers receive? 

A. Syllabus

B. Curriculum

C. Informal Education

D. Adult Education




275. A document that outlines the topics and activities considered important for the considered of learners on as particular course is known as…………………

A. Syllabus

B. Curriculum

C. Scheme of work

D. Lesson Plan



276. When curriculum is defined to include the experiences of learners, the definition is often classified under…………..

A. Broadway

B. Midway

C. Narrow

D. Learning Experiences




277. The school time table is an example

A. Intended Curriculum

B. Hidden Curriculum

C. Taught Curriculum

D. Experience Curriculum




278.  The behaviors, attitudes and knowledge the culture of the school unintentionally teaches learners is referred to as …………

A. Absent Curriculum

B. Formal Curriculum

C. Co – Curriculum

D. Hidden Curriculum




279. Which one of the following types of education is not officially arranged and supervised by Except ?

A. Adult Education

B. Formal Education

C. Informal Education

D. Non – formal Education




280. One way of equipping school dropouts with basic functional literacy, work ethics and numeracy skills is through………….

A. Non- formal Education

B. Formal Education

C. Informal Education

D. Literacy Education




281. One of the following authors suggests that in stating objectives, curriculum developers should avoid vagueness and rather be more specific.

A. Wheeler

B. Tyler

C. Taba

D. Walker




282. The Sixth step in Taba’s Linear Model deals with……………..

A. Selection of Content

B. Diagnosis

C. Organisation of Learning experiences 

D. Evaluation




283. Those activities that occur in the classroom taking into consideration the materials, and events in which students are engaged are known as…………

A. Co- Curriculum

B. Hidden Curriculum

C. Prescribed Curriculum

D. Operational Curriculum




284. The more narrow goals of an institution are reffered to as ………….

A. Proximate Goals

B. Ultimate Goals

C. Mediate Goals

D. Instructional




285. Which one of the following types of objectives is defined as decisions made prior to instruction by teachers and students?

A. Mediate Goals

B. Proximate Goals

C. Course Goals

D. Specific Objectives




286. In order not to repeat the catastrophe of May 9, Mr. Nti decided to officiate a football match between Hearts of Oak and Kumasi Asante Kotoko with the Video Assisted Referee (VAR). What kind of change has occurred?

A. Cultural change

B. Religious Change

C. Social Change

D. Global Change




287. Improved access to basic services such as transportation, good housing and improved communication facilities is an example of………….

A. Economic Development

B. Cultural Development

C. Social Development

D. Technological Development 




288. All the following are examples of learning experiences except………..

A. The food sellers in the school

B. Textbooks supplied by the government

C. The Social milieu in the school

D. A teacher’s self- assessment of his teaching




289. A learning Experience is said to be comprehensive when………..

A. It enables learners from diverse

B. every Objective stated in the lesson plan has it corresponding learning experience.

C. It is appropriate to the general development level of the learner

D. One learning experience could be used to attain several objectives.

                     ANSWER:  B

 290. Why would users of the curriculum prefer a midway definition? This is because such definitions 

A. include mis-educative and non-educative elements

B. include all educational elements that are valuable

C. limit curriculum to classroom instruction

D. excludes other educational elements that are worthwhile



291.Henson (2015) categorised definitions of curriculum into three … :

A. Perfect categories

B. Thematic groups

C. Abstract groups

D. Meaningless categorisations

ANSWER:  B    


292. This definition reflects all the following categories of curriculum definition, except the… :

A. Broad definitions.

B. Ends definitions.

C. Process definitions.

D. Midway definitions.

ANSWER:        A   


293. Which among the answers provided are “general statements that provide direction to educational actions” :

A. Aims

B. Goals

C. Objective

D. Visions

ANSWER :   A   

294. All the following are definitions of curriculum reflecting Means as used by Henson (2015), except… :

A. A course of learning in a school.

B. Planned activities for instruction.

C. Experiences children have under a teacher.

D. Experiences set up by the school.

          ANSWER:   C



295. A group of students in UEW came together and agreed to learn how to drive e a car. They sent a proposal to Decency Driving Institute inviting resource persons to come and teach them on weekends. Which type of education will the students be receiving? :

A. Formal

B. Informal

C. Non-formal

D. Tertiary

ANSWER:   C    


296. written curriculum is also called the ………. Curriculum :

A. Hidden

B. Real

C. Covert

D. Overt

 ANSWER:    D   


297. All the following are ways by which Henson (2015) categorised the definitions of curriculum, except… :

A. Process versus Plan definitions.

B. Means versus Ends definitions.

C. Courses versus Experiences definitions.

D. Content verses Experienced definitions.

ANSWER:         D   


298. The new basic education curriculum can facilitate economic change in Ghana through which of the following? i. introduction of Arabic ii. Promoting honesty and integrity iii. promoting the value of excellence Select one:

A. ii &iii only

B. i &iii only

C. all of the above

D. none of the above



299. Variety as a criterion for selecting learning experiences requires that …….. :

A. Different learners should be taken through different experiences

B. the experiences should facilitate the achievement of some objectives formulated

C. it should place equal emphasis on some areas of the curriculum

D. Learners should have different experiences to promote a particular outcome

ANSWER:    D  


300. In most all-boys schools in Ghana, first year students often shave their hair like that of the final years. This behaviour of the first years typifies …… :

A. Hidden curriculum

B. Formal curriculum

C. Co-curriculum

D. Experience curriculum

E. Official curriculum

ANSWER:      A  


301. An infrequent and discontinuous change in a society can be termed ….. :

A. Exogenous

B. Sporadic

C. Episodic

D. Continuous

E. Endogenous

ANSWER:    C   


302. one familiar with Tyler’s model of curriculum development, which one of the following in your estimation is NOT as source recommended by Tyler in the selection of curriculum objectives? :

A. Subject matter specialist

B. Learner

C. Society

D. government

ANSWER:    B    


303. The school curriculum can promote economic change in Ghana by focusing on all these values EXCEPT :

A. Grit

B. equality

C. Collaboration

D. Honesty



304. Whenever Mr. Nti gets to the class and it is dirty, he asks all the female students in the class to sweep. The male students, therefore, grew up to appreciate that sweeping is a female enterprise. What type of curriculum occasioned this form of learning? :

A. Official Curriculum

B. Informal Curriculum

C. Hidden Curriculum

D. Actual Curriculum

ANSWER:       C   


305. An efficient curriculum provides for the sequence of subject matter. This means that …. :

A. it includes content on logic and sequence.

B. logic is the key subject matter.

C. it provides logical arrangement of content to make easier for learning.

D. timetable is structured to make English follow Social Studies.


ANSWER:         C 

306. Which of the below in your estimation most appropriately distinguishes Tyler’s model of curriculum development from that of Taba? :

A. The lack of evaluation in Tyler’s model

B. The manner in which experiences are organized

C. Diagnosis of Needs as presented in Taba’s model

D. The fusion of content and experiences in Tyler’s model


ANSWER:      C

307. school of thought that views content as present in the physical and social environment, and can be learnt when students are placed within the right environment is :

A. Social-centred view

B. Learner-centred view

C. Subject-centred view

D. Experience view

ANSWER:      B  


308. Teacher Otu asked his students to describe how Ghana gained its independence after 1957. What type of objective are the students required to demonstrate? :

A. Intellectual

B. Psychomotor

C. Affective

D. Sensorimotor



309. Tyler’s (1949) sources of educational purposes includes all the following except the Select one:

A. society

B. school

C. learner

D. teacher

ANSWER:       B 


310. Teacher Kofi decided to organize his learning experiences according the criteria proposed by Tyler. Which of the following should he leave out? Select one:

A. Integration

B. Continuity

C. Significance

D. Sequence

ANSWER:   C    


311. In curriculum theorizing, the “what” of the curriculum refers to……………. :

A. Content

B. Purpose

C. Evaluation

D. Learning Experience



312. The Zimbabwean Government announced recently that schools will be allowed to decide what to teach and how to teach. This is as a result of political unrest in the country. Which of the following models of curriculum development can best be adapted by the teachers? :

A. Wheeler’s (1967) Process Model

B. Taba’s Grassroot (1962) Model

C. Walker’s (1971) Naturalistic Model

D. Tyler’s (1948) Linear Model


ANSWER:           B

 313. In curriculum development discourse, the “how” of curriculum refers to ….:

          A. Content 

B. Purpose 

C. Teaching Activities 

D. Learning Experience 

E. Profile Dimension 


314. In the Standards -Based curriculum, learning experiences are structured in a way that the activities provided are connected to the activities the children will perform in real life. Which of the criteria for selecting learning experiences facilitates this practice?

A. Comprehensiveness 

B. Utility 

C. Relevance 

D. Variety 



315. By significance criterion in content selection, curriculum designers mean that Select one: 

A. Learners’ ability to use the knowledge acquired to solve problems in real life situations. 

B. The content selected should be related to broad field of knowledge within the discipline. 

C. The subject matter should be important to serve the needs of the wider society. 

D. The subject matter should be authentic. 



316. Interest criterion in content selection means that Select one: 

A. Teaching and learning must be interactive. 

B. Content must be tailored to suit the needs of the learner. 

C. The content must serve societal need. 

D. Teaching and learning must be fun. 


317.  Which of these models of curriculum development suggests that curriculum planners undertake a diagnoses before developing objectives?: Select one: 

A. Wheeler’s model 

B. Taba’s model 

C. Gagne’s model 

D. Tyler’s model 


318. In curriculum theorizing, the “why” of curriculum is referred to as ….. Select one: 

A. Profile Dimension 

B. Content 

C. Methodology 

D. Evaluation 

E. Purpose 


319. Tyler (1949) suggests four groups of learning experiences. Which of the following is NOT one of those?: Select one: 

A. Those that develop skills in thinking. 

B. Those that are helpful in developing interests. 

C. Those that are helpful in acquiring information. 

D. Those that are helpful in developing retentive memory. 


320.  “The content should not be overly difficult; otherwise it will discourage learners from learning it. On the other hand, it should not be too easy; otherwise it will not challenge learners to learn more”. Which criteria for selecting content best relates to the above statement? Select one: 

A. Utility 

B. Validity 

C. Learnability 

D. Variety 


321. The balance criterion in the selection of learning experiences ensures that Select one: 

A. experiences provided are adequate and varied. 

B. the learner is actively involved in the teaching/learning process. 

C. the learning experiences provided serve the personal needs of the learner and the society. 

D. The learning experiences selected can be utilized to solve future needs of the learner. 


322. The criterion for selecting learning experiences which focuses on the abilities and capabilities of the learner is Select one: 

A. Continuity 

B. Comprehensiveness 

C. Suitability 

D. Validity 


323. Which of the statements best explains learnability criterion in content selection? The Select one: 

A. capability of the learner to learn the selected content. 

B. ability of the learner to utilize the knowledge acquired. 

C. relevance of the content to the society. 

D. interest of the learner to learn the content. 


324. The uniqueness of Wheeler’s model of curriculum development is that … Select one: 

A. it makes it difficult to adopt the model 

B. each of the elements is presented as discreet 

C. the cyclical process suggests that curriculum development is continuous in nature 

D. it presents curriculum planning in a linear form, hence very simple to adopt 


325. The question “how can we determine whether these purposes are being attained” relates to what in Tyler’s (1949) model? Select one: 

A. Dimension 

B. Oranisation of Experience 

C. Evaluation 

D. Content 

E. Learning Experience 


 326. Taba’s model is described as a grassroot approach to curriculum development because … Select one: 

A. She applies deductive approach 

B. She recommends teachers’ use parks and gardens to facilitate learning 

C. She recommends conducting diagnoses in the field 

D. She applies inductive approach 


327. Which of the following criteria for selecting learning experiences is most likely to cater for different learning styles among learners? Select one: 

A. Variety 

B. Continuity 

C. Utility 

D. Comprehensiveness 


328. When students are unable to apply the content acquired in real life situations, which of the criteria for content selection can be said to have been violated? Select one: 

A. Learnability 

B. Validity 

C. Significance 

D. Utility 


329. As one familiar with Tyler’s model of curriculum design which of the below in your estimation can best describe a defect of this model? Select one: 

A. It is inductive 

B. It is linear 

C. It is very refined 

D. It is very scientific


330. In curriculum design process, when experts consider factors such as; the ability of the current teaching force to be well equipped to teach the knowledge, skills and attitudes in the curriculum, one can say that experts are considering… Select one: 

A. Validity criterion 

B. Interest criterion 

C. Feasibility criterion 

D. Utility criterion 


331. One difference between Tyler’s and Taba’s model of curriculum development is: Select one: 

A. Tyler advocates situational analysis but Taba does not. 

B. Taba is a pioneer in the field of curriculum development. 

C. Tyler placed more emphasis on content than Taba. 

D. Taba’s model has more steps than Tyler’s model. 


332. Tyler (1949) argues that learning experience is the interaction between the learner and the external conditions to which he can react. This statement means that …. Select one: 

A. Learning experience can only be provided outside of classrooms. 

B. Learning experience involves learners and their environments and excludes teachers. 

C. providing learning experience makes teachers redundant. 

D. Learning experience involves teaching strategies and contexts that facilitate learning. 


333. Which of these models of curriculum development suggests that curriculum planners undertake a diagnoses before developing objectives?: Select one: 

A. Tyler’s model 

B. Taba’s model 

C. Gagne’s model 

D. Wheeler’s model 


334. Which of the criteria for selecting content is likely to serve the needs of both the learner and society? Select one: 

A. Significance 

B. Validity 

C. Relevance 

D. Interest 


335. One significant improvement that Taba’s model sought to make over Tyler’s earlier model is: Select one: 

A. expanding the duration for development of curriculum. 

B. selecting learning experience before content. 

C. organizing learning experience before content. 

D. selecting content and learning experiences separately. 


336. By significance criterion in content selection, curriculum designers mean that Select one: 

A. The content selected should be related to broad field of knowledge within the discipline. 

B. Learners’ ability to use the knowledge acquired to solve problems in real life situations. 

C. The subject matter should be important to serve the needs of the wider society. 

D. The subject matter should be authentic. 


337. Basic components of the curriculum includes the following except Select one: 

A. teacher-learner experiences 

B. the entry behaviour of students 

C. the subject matter to be implemented 

D. the statement of educational purposes 


338. The ability of learning experience selected to bring about the desired change in the learner is known as Select one: 

A. Relevance in content selection 

B. Evaluation of the learned material 

C. Validity in the selection of learning experiences 

D. Precision in selection of objectives 


339. Learning experiences that provide opportunity for new learning to take place from within the existing experience satisfies Select one: 

A. Balance in selection of learning experiences. 

B. Relevance in selection of learning experiences 

C. Continuity in selection of learning experiences. 

D. Suitability in selection of learning experiences. 


340. The balance criterion in the selection of learning experiences ensures that Select one: 

A. experiences provided are adequate and varied. 

B. the learning experiences provided serve the personal needs of the learner and the society. 

C. the learner is actively involved in the teaching/learning process. 

D. The learning experiences selected can be utilized to solve future needs of the learner.


341. According to Taba’s (1962) Grassroot Model, the preliminary phase in the development of an educational curriculum is Select one: 

A. formulation of objectives 

B. diagnosis of needs 

C. selection and organization of content 

D. evaluation of learning experiences 


342. Interest criterion in content selection means that Select one: 

A. Teaching and learning must be fun. 

B. Teaching and learning must be interactive. 

C. The content must serve societal need. 

D. Content must be tailored to suit the needs of the learner. 

 ANSWER:     D


343. Which of these models of curriculum development suggests that curriculum planners undertake a diagnoses before developing objectives?: Select one: 

A. Gagne’s model 

B. Wheeler’s model 

C. Tyler’s model 

D. Taba’s model 


344.  One difference between Tyler’s and Taba’s model of curriculum development is: Select one: 

A. Tyler placed more emphasis on content than Taba. 

B. Tyler advocates situational analysis but Taba does not. 

C. Taba’s model has more steps than Tyler’s model. 

D. Taba is a pioneer in the field of curriculum development. 


345. In selecting learning experiences, one of the factors to consider is comprehensiveness. This means Select one: 

A. experiences provided must target the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of the learner. 

B. the learner should be able to apply the learned experiences to solve current and future problems. 

C. learning experiences provided must serve individual needs of the learner. 

D. teacher/learner activities must be broad to involve active participation. 


346. The uniqueness of Wheeler’s model of curriculum development is that … Select one: 

A. each of the elements is presented as discreet 

B. the cyclical process suggests that curriculum development is continuous in nature 

C. it presents curriculum planning in a linear form, hence very simple to adopt 

D. it makes it difficult to adopt the model 


347. Which of the statements best explains learnability criterion in content selection? The Select one: 

A. ability of the learner to utilize the knowledge acquired. 

B. capability of the learner to learn the selected content. 

C. interest of the learner to learn the content. 

D. relevance of the content to the society. 


348. Students learn more through observation and imitation. This statement has greater implications for …… Select one: 

A. Selection of learning experience 

B. Organization of content 

C. Selection of content

D. Organization of purpose 

E. Statement of purpose


349. A teacher selected and taught his class 3 pupils, the first 50 chemical elements. This decision and action flouts the ————————– criterion. Select one: 

A. Interest 

B. Learnability 

C. Validity 

D. Utility 


350. In the Standard-based curriculum, the expected behaviours that learners are to demonstrate at the end of teaching and learning are known as …. Select one: 

A. Enquiry routes 

B. Indicators 

C. Exemplars 

D. Objectives 

E. Performance Indicators 


351. Variety as a criterion for selecting learning experiences requires that …….. Select one: 

A. the experiences should facilitate the achievement of some objectives formulated 

B. it should place equal emphasis on some areas of the curriculum 

C. Different learners should be taken through different experiences 

D. Learners should have different experiences to promote a particular outcome 


352. When teaching mathematics, Mr. Obiri provides experiences that learners are familiar with. Which criterion has he satisfied? Select one: 

A. validity 

B. functionality 

C. relevance to life 

D. suitability 


353. The goals set by educational institutions in Wheeler’s typology are known as …… Select one: 

A. Mission 

B. Mediate 

C. Specific 

D. Proximate 

E. Ultimate 


354. International best practice is to have curriculum reviewed every five years. Which feature of curriculum is demonstrated by this standard? Select one: 

A. It is an institutional phenomenon 

B. it is designed for a particular group of people 

C. It continuously evolves 

D. it is supported by society 


355.  Curriculum is all planned learning for which the school is responsible. This definition of the school curriculum is……. Select one: 

A. Subway 

B. Midway 

C. Broad 

D. Narrow 


356.  Which of the proponents of the models of curriculum development advocates for situational analysis first before a curriculum is designed? Select one: 

A. Wheeler 

B. Tyler 

C. Taba 

D. Walker 


357. The final examination for EDCR111 is an example of one of the following components of the curriculum Select one: 

A. Methodology 

B. Statement of purpose

C. Content 

D. Evaluation 


358.  One of these models sees curriculum development as continuously responding to the needs of society. This is the, Select one: 

A. Rationale model 

B. Linear model 

C. Cyclic model 

D. Step-by-step model 


359. Teacher Kofi decided to organize his learning experiences according the criteria proposed by Tyler. Which of the following should he leave out? Select one: 

A. Integration 

B. Significance 

C. Continuity 

D. Sequence 


360. The goals of institutions such as University of Education and University of Cape Coast are referred to as …. Select one: 

A. Proximate Goal 

B. Mediate Goal 

C. Ultimate Goal 

D. Specific Objectives 


361. Tyler’s (1949) sources of educational purposes includes all the following except the Select one:

 A. school 

B. society 

C. learner 

D. teacher 


362. In curriculum theorizing, the “what” of the curriculum refers to……………. Select one: 

A. Content 

B. Learning Experience 

C. Evaluation 

D. Purpose 


363. Which of these experts proposed a model for curriculum development based on four fundamental questions? Select one:

A. Ralph Tyler 

B. Hilda Taba 

C. Daryl Kenneth Wheeler 

D. Decker Walker 


364. Teacher Sitsofe asked his students to exhibit compassion the way their father does towards them. What type of objective are the students required to demonstrate? Select one: 

A. Affective 

B. Psychomotor 

C. Sensorimotor 

D. Intellectual 


365. To prepare students to live responsible lives’. This phrase describes an educational Select one: 

A. Content 

B. Objective 

C. Aim 

D. Goal 


366. Teacher Otu asked his students to describe how Ghana gained its independence after 1957. What type of objective are the students required to demonstrate? Select one: 

A. Psychomotor 

B. Sensorimotor 

C. Intellectual 

D. Affective 


367. All the following are examples of learning experiences except…… Select one: 

A. The textbooks supplied by the government 

B. A teacher’s self-assessment of his teaching 

C. The food sellers in the school 

D. The social milieu in the classroom 


368. According to Wheeler, the purpose of subjects such as Social Studies and Mathematics can be classified as … Select one: 

A. Mediate Goal 

B. Ultimate Goal 

C. Specific Objectives 

D. Proximate Goal 


369. Which of the domains of learning is developed when a learner imbibes the spirit of patriotism? Select one: 

A. Cognitive 

B. Sensorimotor 

C. Affective 

D. Psychomotor 


370. Which one of the following people organized and integrated content and learning experiences together in the design of the school curriculum? Select one: 

A. Wheeler 

B. Nicol 

C. Tyler 

D. Taba 


371. In selecting learning experiences, Tyler (1949) advocates for all the following except…. Select one: 

A. Those that develop thinking skills 

B. Those that help in developing social attitudes 

C. Those that help in acquiring information 

D. Those that develop interesting character 



372. In designing the school curriculum, Mr. Kofi Kwakye downplayed the importance of selecting content. Which of the following authors influenced the thought of Mr. Kwakye? Select one: 

A. Tyler 

B. Walker 

C. Taba 

D. Wheeler 


Agblor Courage

I am Courage Agblor, a writer, web designer, and publisher with a passion for education, culture, and truth. As a graduate with a bachelor's degree in education, I am dedicated to sharing knowledge that informs, inspires, and preserves the rich heritage of the Ewe people.

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