1. A teacher whose beliefs are deeply rooted through one’s intuition, initiative, creativity and experience is often seen as:


  • Born teacher
  • Scientific teacher
  • Made teacher
  • Experienced teacher

2.       At which of these stages requires that the supervisor converts the raw data or information collected from the observation into a manageable form?

A.      Analysis and strategy

B.      Post-conference analysis

C.      Observation of teaching

D.      Post-observation conference

3.       Goldhammer (1969) came up with how many steps or stages involved in clinical supervision?

A.      5

B.      3

C.      6

D.      4

4.       The concept teaching practice has gradually given way to………….. which is more comprehensive and professionally sound than teaching practice:

A.      School experience

B.      School improvement

C.      School climate

D.      School participation

5.       A preliminary teaching experience designed to help student-teachers master the handling of the various phases of the lesson before actual field experience in practice teaching is called?

A.      Team teaching

B.      Macro teaching

C.      Micro teaching

D.      Peer-teaching


6.       Which of these is generally not considered as part of the traditional forms of punishment in Ghanaian schools?

A.      Asking children to kneel down

B.      Withdrawal of love

C.      Canning children

D.      Knocking children head


7.       The selection process often ends with the…………. and ………….

A.      Staffing and orientation

B.      Placement and induction

C.      Orientation and placement

D.      Placement and recruitment

8.       Two main sources of teacher recruits could be considered as:

A.      External and inner recruitment

B.      Internal and external recruitment

C.      Internal and eternal recruitment

D.      Internal and exterior recruitment

9.       Which of the following might not be a good reason for choosing a marriage partner in traditional Africa?

A.      Good family background

B.      Profession grouping

C.      Tribal groupings

D.      Wealth

10.  Which of the following could be seen as a macro factor affecting teacher retention?

A.    Conditions of service

B.    Salary levels

C.    School climate

D.    National policy on education

11.   A teacher education model whereby a student teacher learns the art and science of teaching solely under the auspices of an experienced teacher for so many years could be known as:

A.      Traditional model

B.      Consecutive model

C.      Apprenticeship model

D.      Concurrent model

12.   Which of the following pairs could be considered as cheap sources for teacher recruitment?

A.      Unsolicited applications and full advertisement

B.      Advertising and unsolicited applications

C.      Unsolicited applications and employee referrals

D.      Employee referrals and private employment agencies


13.   The following could be the most appropriate sources of obtaining background information about job applicants, EXCEPT:

A.      Parents and friends

B.      School or college officials

C.      Police records

D.      Previous employers


14.  Cruickshank et al (1996) identify all the following BUT one area as ideal for the teacher education curricula:


A.    Pedagogic studies

B.    General studies

C.    Integrative studies

D.    Content studies


15.   In Ghana, teacher education is often provided through the following stages, EXCEPT:


A.      Pre-service

B.      In-service for teacher higher qualifications and certification

C.      Post-service

D.      In-service at the school or cluster levels


16.   The process by which newly employees are given guided adjustment to their job and its environment can be termed as….

A.      Orientation

B.      Adjustment

C.      Adaptation

D.      Acclimatization

17.   Which of the following is the main agent of socialization for teachers?

A.      Religion

B.      Family

C.      Pubs

D.      House


18.   When school fills its existing vacancies for teachers from within itself, it is called….

A.      peripheral recruitment

B.      Internal recruitment

C.      External recruitment

D.      Interim recruitment

19.   Which of these is the main requirements for a prospective UEW intern:

A.      Should have exceptional leadership ability

B.      Should have passed all courses by the sixth semester

C.      Should be a hardworking student

D.      Should have exceptional academic prowess


20.   Recruitment is often seen as the first step of:

A.      Teacher supply

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B.      Placement

C.      Retention

D.      Filling up a vacancy

21.  Who held the view that education is life itself and not just preparation for life?

A.    J.J. Rousseau

B.    John Dewey

C.    Maria Montessori

D.    Jean Piaget

22.  The following are all components of UEW internship program, EXCEPT:

A.    School activities

B.    Teaching philosophy

C.    Traditional research

D.    Teaching portfolio


23.   The purpose of good teaching is to help students to:

A.      Pass all examinations and interviews

B.      Like and respect teachers

C.      Understand thoroughly the concepts being examined

D.      Memorize facts and figures


24.   The process of changing, improving or renewing the school curriculum is called

Answer:          Curriculum Development

25.   Which of the following pairs are typical of ON-CAMPUS TEACHING PRACTICE?

A.      Observation and team teaching

B.      Macro teaching and peer teaching

C.      Micro-teaching and peer teaching

D.      Teach-critique reteach critique and peer teaching

26.   The policies and procedures designed to equip prospective teachers with the knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and skills they will require to perform their principal duties effectively in the classrooms could be known as:

A.      Andragogic education

B.      Teacher education

C.      Professional education

D.      Pedagogic education

27.  Which of the following domains of development must be fostered by the family?

A.    Physical

B.    All the above

C.    Psycho-social

D.    Cognitive

28.   Which of the following is not the expected role of a father?

A.      Asserting his authority

B.      Provision of basic needs for the family

C.      Protecting the family in all forms

D.      Child bearing

29.   Brain (2007) noted all the following as the exceptional qualities of a good teacher, EXCEPT:

A.      Knowledge

B.      Respect for teachers

C.      Interesting

D.      Communication skills

30.   Why most employers normally will never begin the selection process with medical examination for the employees?

A.      Just to reject a chunk number of prospective employees

B.      To make the selection process very competitive

C.      To check the HIV / AIDS status of the employees

D.      To beat down the operational cost to the organization

31.   The act of judging the suitability or otherwise of the candidates so that those considered to be best qualified and fitted for the jobs are employed is often known as…….

A.      Selection

B.      Advertising

C.      Recruitment

D.      Staffing

32.   Teacher education the world-over is always in continuum, however, it has these three stages:

A.      Pre-service, orientation and internship

B.      Pre-service, in-service and post-service

C.      Initial teacher training, in-service and post-service

D.      Initial teacher training, induction and continuing professional development

Principal And Practice of Teacher Education

1.       What is teacher education

2.       List any two informal activities involved in teacher education according to Good (1998)

3.       Cruiskshank et al (1996) identity four (4) component of an ideal teacher education curriculum. State them

4.       The vision of teacher education in Ghana as captured by MoE (2006) is to …… …..

a)       Provide a comprehensive teacher education program through pre-service and in-service training to produce competent teachers

b)      Produce great teachers to teach.

c)       Produce good-and-great-(eachers1o leach the nation’s children.

d)      Prepare the foundation for quality teaching and learning outcomes through competency-based training.

5.       indicate by the appropriate letter A- the “admission procedure” implied in the statement in items 5-10

A.      protocol admissions

B.      Concessionary admissions

C.      Mature admissions

D.      Regular/Direct admissions

E.       Fee paying admission.

F.       Sympathy admissions

G.      Correspondence admissions

6.       Admissions open to applicants who are unable to meet the regular admissions cut-off point

requirement but are willing to pay a stipulated fee………………………………

7.       Affirmative action admissions procedure open to candidates who satisfy stipulated age

requirement ……………………………………………………

8.       Preferential admissions process opens the academic staff and other senior members of the


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9. Teacher education the world-over is always in continuum, however, it has these three stages:

a. Initial teacher training, in-service and post-service

b. Pre-service, in-service and post-service

c. Pre-service, orientation and internship

d. Initial teacher training, induction and continuing professional development

answer: Initial teacher training, induction and continuing professional development

10. Two main sources of teacher recruits could be considered as:

a. Internal and exterior recruitment

b. External and inner recruitment

c. Internal and eternal recruitment

d. Internal and external recruitment

The correct answer is: Internal and external recruitment

11. A preliminary teaching experience designed to help student-teachers master the handling of the various phases of the lesson before actual field experience in practice teaching is called?

a. Macro teaching

b. Peer-teaching

c. Micro teaching

d. Team teaching

The correct answer is: Micro teaching

12. The concept teaching practice has gradually given way to………….. which is more comprehensive and professionally sound than teaching practice:

a. School experience

b. School improvement

c. School climate

d. School participation

The correct answer is: School experience

13. Which of the following could be seen as a macro factor affecting teacher retention?

a. Salary levels

b. Conditions of service

c. School climate

d. National policy on education

The correct answer is: National policy on education

14. Which of these is generally not considered as part of the traditional forms of punishment in Ghanaian schools?

a. Canning children

b. Asking children to kneel down

c. Knocking children head

d. Withdrawal of love

The correct answer is: Withdrawal of love

15. Which of these is the main requirements for a prospective UEW intern:

a. Should have exceptional academic prowess

b. Should be a hardworking student

c. Should have exceptional leadership ability

d. Should have passed all courses by the sixth semester

The correct answer is: Should have passed all courses by the sixth semester

16. Which of the following domains of development must be fostered by the family?

a. All the above

b. Physical

c. Psycho-social

d. Cognitive

The correct answer is: All the above

17. Cruickshank et al (1996) identify all the following BUT one area as ideal for the teacher education curricula:

a. Integrative studies

b. Pedagogic studies

c. Content studies

d. General studies

The correct answer is: Pedagogic studies

18. The purpose of good teaching is to help students to:

a. Understand thoroughly the concepts being examined

b. Pass all examinations and interviews

c. Like and respect teachers

d. Memorize facts and figures

The correct answer is: Understand thoroughly the concepts being examined

19. Goldhammer (1969) came up with how many steps or stages involved in clinical supervision?

a. 4

b. 6

c. 3

d. 5

The correct answer is: 5

20. The following are all components of UEW internship program, EXCEPT:

a. Teaching philosophy

b. Traditional research

c. School activities

d. Teaching portfolio

The correct answer is: School activities

21. Recruitment is often seen as the first step of:

a. Filling up a vacancy

b. Placement

c. Teacher supply

d. Retention

The correct answer is: Filling up a vacancy

22. Which of the following pairs are typical of ON-CAMPUS TEACHING PRACTICE?

a. Teach-critique reteach critique and peer teaching

b. Macro teaching and peer teaching

c. Observation and team teaching

d. Micro-teaching and peer teaching

The correct answer is: Micro-teaching and peer teaching

23. The following could be the most appropriate sources of obtaining background information about job applicants, EXCEPT:

a. Police records

b. Previous employers

c. Parents and friends

d. School or college officials

24. The correct answer is: Parents and friends

Which of the following is not the expected role of a father?

a. Provision of basic needs for the family

b. Asserting his authority

c. Protecting the family in all forms

d. Child bearing

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The correct answer is: Child bearing

25. The act of judging the suitability or otherwise of the candidates so that those considered to be best qualified and fitted for the jobs are employed is often known as…….

a. Selection

b. Recruitment

c. Advertising

d. Staffing

The correct answer is: Selection

26. The process of changing, improving or renewing the school curriculum is called

Who held the view that education is life itself and not just preparation for life?

a. J.J. Rousseau

b. Jean Piaget

c. John Dewey

d. Maria Montessori

27. Which of the following might not be a good reason for choosing a marriage partner in traditional Africa?

a. Good family background

b. Profession grouping

c. Wealth

d. Tribal groupings

The correct answer is: Profession grouping

28. Which of the following pairs could be considered as cheap sources for teacher recruitment?

a. Advertising and unsolicited applications

b. Employee referrals and private employment agencies

c. Unsolicited applications and employee referrals

d. Unsolicited applications and full advertisement

The correct answer is: Unsolicited applications and employee referrals

29. Brain (2007) noted all the following as the exceptional qualities of a good teacher, EXCEPT:

a. Interesting

b. Respect for teachers

c. Knowledge

d. Communication skills

The correct answer is: Interesting

30. The process by which newly employees are given guided adjustment to their job and its environment can be termed as….

a. Orientation

b. Acclimatization

c. Adaptation

d. Adjustment

The correct answer is: Orientation

31. Which of the following is the main agent of socialization for teachers?

a. Religion

b. Family

c. Pubs

d. House

The correct answer is: Family

32. The selection process often ends with the…………. and ………….

a. Placement and induction

b. Orientation and placement

c. Placement and recruitment

d. Staffing and orientation

correct answer is: Placement and induction

33. In Ghana, teacher education is often provided through the following stages, EXCEPT:

a. Pre-service

b. Post-service

c. In-service for teacher higher qualifications and certification

d. In-service at the school or cluster levels

The correct answer is: Post-service

35. The policies and procedures designed to equip prospective teachers with the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and skills they will require to perform their principal duties effectively in the classrooms could be known as:

a. Pedagogic education

b. Andragogic education

c. Professional education

d. Teacher education

The correct answer is: Teacher education

36. A teacher whose beliefs are deeply rooted through one’s intuition, initiative, creativity and experience is often seen as:

a . Born teacher

b. Made teacher

c. Scientific teacher

d. Experienced teacher

The correct answer is: Born teacher

37. When school fills its existing vacancies for teachers from within itself, it is called….

a. Internal recruitment

b. peripheral recruitment

c. Interim recruitment

d. External recruitment

The correct answer is: Internal recruitment

38. Why most employers normally will never begin the selection process with medical examination for the employees?

a. To beat down the operational cost to the organization

b. Just to reject a chunk number of prospective employees

c. To make the selection process very competitive

d. To check the HIV / AIDS status of the employees

The correct answer is: To beat down the operational cost to the organization

39. A teacher education model whereby a student teacher learns the art and science of teaching solely under the auspices of an experienced teacher for so many years could be known as:

a. Concurrent model

b. Consecutive model

c. Traditional model

d. Apprenticeship model

The correct answer is: Apprenticeship model

At which of these stages requires that the supervisor converts the raw data or information collected from the observation into a manageable form?

a. Analysis and strategy

b. Post-conference analysis

c. Post-observation conference

d. Observation of teaching

The correct answer is: Analysis and strategy

Agblor Courage

I am Courage Agblor, a writer, web designer, and publisher with a passion for education, culture, and truth. As a graduate with a bachelor's degree in education, I am dedicated to sharing knowledge that informs, inspires, and preserves the rich heritage of the Ewe people.

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